Just In
for You and Me, Us

7/27/2013 c2 Mimi
Interesting story but you should watch for grammar mistakes because I've spotted quite a few...I'm telling you this not to flame you,but as a friendly advice. Keep up the good work :D
7/27/2013 c2 Rei Katsuro
omg wow this is very interesting read. very curious about their past... update soon okay ! :)
7/26/2013 c2 naleah
What happened to thier past... omg... i wanted to know... o so pkease update so soon.
6/16/2013 c1 Firework's Feelings
I'm loving this story. I can't wait till you update.
6/11/2013 c1 anonymous
thank god your back! this is really a new kind of story fro ichihime fans out there! hoping for an update very sooon...
6/10/2013 c1 14im-aggressive
This looks like it will be good! Keep it up!
6/10/2013 c1 6zodious
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! you naughty little girl, you didn't even let me know you had an ichihime fic! Gah, I have no clue what to do with you berry-chan. Like really...and I thought we had something going on between us. *sighs* Guess now:(

*coughs* Why the heck is ichi doing on a bench/ What happened that he stopped speaking to inoue for over a year! Ichi you sick bastard how dare you! The guys gives me a headache and I really do think Ichigo is like the densest anime guy ever. not even Natsu is that dense like really. He really isn't.
*wiggles brow* so Ichi's seeing Senna. Tsk...that man whore...-_- but really berry-chan interesting fic here! I definitely wanna see more though I'm wondering why the heck your not updating your other stories but then again I'm not one to talkXD
A nalu fic do let me know what it's about! I would definitely read it, heck I'm thinking of doing one myselfXD
But really I'd love to read a nalu fic from berry-chan, I'm starting to really like that couple
Again, I'll wait patiently for any update or any story you writeXD
6/9/2013 c1 sapphirehimitsu
Very interesting start! It just feels really good to read a new Ichihime story! Really looking forward to reading the past between Ichigo and Orihime, whether they were lovers in the past. Update soon! :D

P.S. I did not follow Fairy Tail so I do not read any Fairy Tail story at the moment. Maybe in the future though. Hehe.. :)
6/9/2013 c1 IchiHimelover86
I am so glad to see write again

This idea looks interesting I can't wait to see more
6/9/2013 c1 naleah
It start to fall apart if there is a meddle in between... how sweet to have a best friend like orihime..
6/9/2013 c1 45jylener22
Yay! Do a little happy dance because I know you're alive, well and still interested in writing stories! :)

All right that was a little over the top, but I think you get the picture. :)

Anyway, this is an interesting premise and I am immensely curious to find out more of the back story. Your allusions to it have piqued my interest and I want to see how it all went wrong between them, why Ichigo went with Senna and when (obviously you're going to bring Ichigo and Orihime back together...aren't you?) Ichigo and Orihime get back together. So many possibilities! :)

As for your question, I say go for it! I would definitely read your story since I do enjoy Fairy Tail as well as the NatsuxLucy pairing. :)

It's wonderful to read something of yours again! Keep up the good work and I hope you're doing well! :)
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