Just In
for Into Eternity

8/5/2015 c1 5Lenora Jime
Ahh, somehow I loved how their fake marriage here. It seemed so quite and sacred but I guessed it was lively too because of their bickering :)
Thanks for good read and see ya :)
7/9/2014 c1 Jazzybella
Beautiful. *sigh* Sweet. Adorkable. Loved it.
10/18/2013 c1 Say2013
Sequel, sequel, sequel please! P
7/28/2013 c1 RUKIA
that was so cute!
7/7/2013 c1 C
so sweet!
6/21/2013 c1 Audrey Kurosaki
ahh !

that was just too sweet ! i was smiling the whole time i was reading !

i felt horribly insane b'coz i was smiling all by myself !

but it's worth it ! it's good and i really love it !
6/17/2013 c1 bianca luna
i hope our kubo-sama read this story and make it happened in the manga or even anime :p
it's super cute! keep the good work
6/14/2013 c1 2Darkness9825
This IS gonna be continued right? This is freaking amazing. Please continue this soon.
6/13/2013 c1 2Miiine
I loved it! I was smiling like an idiot while I read it. It was so cute and romantic!
6/13/2013 c1 Enjoyed
There were some Swiss-cheese plot holes that kind of glare at you ... a girl knowing of a veil, but not knowing the rest of the wedding? After having read it? Hmmmm... I think I've stumbled into a canyon. Anyway, the story was cute and I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks. JSM
6/11/2013 c1 11Disciple Of The Dragon Star
Well this was really interesting. I liked it very much indeed ( I can imagine Rukia turning up in a bridal dress lol) and there is a distinct lack of over-sentimentality that does echo their relationship.
I did feel that it got a bit cheesy towards the end - but heck this is a wedding scene so don't mind me. I wrote an Ichiruki proposal scene and it ended up kinda sentimental too :P i wish I could have seen Isshin's reaction though.
6/11/2013 c1 9WarriorofAnime
Loved it! I absolutely LOVED IT!
6/11/2013 c1 ilovebks
Really kawaii! XD

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