7/1/2013 c1
1Hurricane Kazama
Ok... few questions about this:
you going to spawn a series from this (if you aren't can I use some o the ideas you have here?)? I mean, it does have the potential to be a decent AU...
the mafia theme you are on about is the one where there are cops, townspeople and murderers with the day/night cycle thingy?
other than a few questions i am asking myself about whether cordelia can be considered OOC for talking to chrom so easily, i'd say this is a pretty good oneshot :D

Ok... few questions about this:
you going to spawn a series from this (if you aren't can I use some o the ideas you have here?)? I mean, it does have the potential to be a decent AU...
the mafia theme you are on about is the one where there are cops, townspeople and murderers with the day/night cycle thingy?
other than a few questions i am asking myself about whether cordelia can be considered OOC for talking to chrom so easily, i'd say this is a pretty good oneshot :D
6/11/2013 c1 Laurin of Alvania
This was good, but honestly it feels more like a first chapter for a lager story than just a one-shot, but maybe it's just me.
This was good, but honestly it feels more like a first chapter for a lager story than just a one-shot, but maybe it's just me.
6/11/2013 c1 Akeifara
I really like where this is going. Can't wait to see the rest, that is, if you're making more? If so that be great! if not, its still okay, this was nice to read as is, though it does make one curious haha. Well see you around!
I really like where this is going. Can't wait to see the rest, that is, if you're making more? If so that be great! if not, its still okay, this was nice to read as is, though it does make one curious haha. Well see you around!