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5/12/2017 c1 19musicbox's will
Damn. I can already tell your writing has gotten so much better from last time. I was actually going through one of our PM's and I decided to click on one of your stories. (I chose Fairy Tail because it's the one I currently know the most about.) If I make a typo it's because it's one in the morning and I'm multitasking.

One thing to note, but instead of 4 you would put four because (cant remember the exact reason. just look it up. it was talked about in my English class.) well yeah. Just look at the parentheses. But that would go all the way to 20 I think, but just check it in case I'm wrong. Then with the really big numbers you can use actual numbers instead of the word forms. Really tired. I would word it better if I was more awake. I should go to bed actually.

shiet. still need to continue reading this. haha. I typed you. like continyou.

There's some formatting problems I already see, but I'm too tired to point them out. You can pm me about them.

You have a very strong voice. Sounds like you know these characters well. I don't know if you're staying completely true to the characters or not because I haven't watched Fairy Tail in a long time, but it sounds very good.

Damn. Saw the author's note. Noticed the date. You improved fast. I'll make a mental note to come review this when I'm less tired. But it kind of sucks you haven't come back to this. Oh well, I cant say anything. I didn't go back to my stories either. I might, I might not, Who knows? But girl, or at least I will assume you are one, be grateful. You have 10 favs and 10 follows. Every single one of them counts no matter how small. Don't be greedy with things like that. It sets up for bad decisions career-wise.

Wow. I am old-fashioned.

Hope you come back and see this.

Originally, musicbox
4/8/2016 c1 1SazHearT
plz continue
12/21/2014 c1 35lavawings
I want more, you didn't bring in Natsu! PLEASE MORE!
7/28/2014 c1 3m00nlea
You MUST continue! Leaving a story unfinished like this is a crime against fanfictions, look it up ** I wanna see what happens with Lucy and Loke
So far this has a great combination of dialogue and text so keep up the good wooork
10/5/2013 c1 chocolateeex
Yess it is a good story please continue and update again soon!
8/12/2013 c1 Wolfcry77
Please continue it I really liked it. It was well written and everything.
7/23/2013 c1 Complexta
Pleeaaaseee continue! :d I wanna see what happens! I love this!
7/19/2013 c1 1MasterOfBassCannon
6/29/2013 c1 6darkgirl99
can you create more form this xxx
6/21/2013 c1 74ClumsyMustache
cute! Love it please update? :D
6/16/2013 c1 nalu 3
*stares at the screen* why did you end it I have to wait for more. Please update soon. :)
6/14/2013 c1 Guest
Pretty please! Continue the story! Continue!
6/14/2013 c1 StellaHeartfilia
6/13/2013 c1 Guest
Please dont stop there! PLEASE! Do not end it there
6/11/2013 c1 3GoldenRoseTanya
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