7/4/2017 c5
18Loveless Demon
YES KAKASHI! GET SOME! *coughs* I apologise...*Grins* not.
Kurama maybe you should start with sending kakanaru dreams to your host? If he gets laid, you get laid bro!

YES KAKASHI! GET SOME! *coughs* I apologise...*Grins* not.
Kurama maybe you should start with sending kakanaru dreams to your host? If he gets laid, you get laid bro!
7/2/2017 c5 alec
je viens de découvrir ton histoire et j'adore, un kakashi comme çà j'en veux un pour moi lol, j’espère que tu pourras la continuer et que ta santé va s’améliorer bon courage a toi pour la suite de tes interventions
je viens de découvrir ton histoire et j'adore, un kakashi comme çà j'en veux un pour moi lol, j’espère que tu pourras la continuer et que ta santé va s’améliorer bon courage a toi pour la suite de tes interventions
6/7/2017 c5 Usagi
Please please please update soon! This story is really sweet and i adore kakashi teasing naruto!
Please please please update soon! This story is really sweet and i adore kakashi teasing naruto!
4/9/2017 c5 YO
PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE CONTINUE THIS! Hee, hee, Kakashi's droll sarcasm is beautiful. They already sound like husbands and they've been married less than a week.
PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE CONTINUE THIS! Hee, hee, Kakashi's droll sarcasm is beautiful. They already sound like husbands and they've been married less than a week.
3/22/2017 c5 YO
This is great. I'm literally sitting here, chuckling and smirking at the screen. Kakashi and his sarcasm. This is just really awesome and please, please write more!
This is great. I'm literally sitting here, chuckling and smirking at the screen. Kakashi and his sarcasm. This is just really awesome and please, please write more!
1/23/2017 c5 Darthvaderismyrock
I really like the vibes and how the plot is progressing. I know from experience how hard it is to motivate yourself when you've dropped something for so long, but I really hope you do find that motivation and continue this story!
I really like the vibes and how the plot is progressing. I know from experience how hard it is to motivate yourself when you've dropped something for so long, but I really hope you do find that motivation and continue this story!
1/20/2017 c5
I really enjoy reading this story. Though I've never considered pairing these two characters, I find myself smiling and hoping the best for Kakashi winning the heart of his love! I really hope you update so I won't be left wondering! /

I really enjoy reading this story. Though I've never considered pairing these two characters, I find myself smiling and hoping the best for Kakashi winning the heart of his love! I really hope you update so I won't be left wondering! /
11/16/2016 c5
17Kamui Kamiliko
Naruto is so unbearably adorable I literally can't anymore. This whole thing is too freaking cute.

Naruto is so unbearably adorable I literally can't anymore. This whole thing is too freaking cute.
9/29/2016 c5 scryoko
Oh wow, I love this SO so much! I love the developing relationship between Kakashi and Naruto, Naruto's nervousness and embarrassment, how he's out of his element here, and Kakashi's mischievous smile ant his kindness. I can't wait to read more of this! This is such a lovely read!
Oh wow, I love this SO so much! I love the developing relationship between Kakashi and Naruto, Naruto's nervousness and embarrassment, how he's out of his element here, and Kakashi's mischievous smile ant his kindness. I can't wait to read more of this! This is such a lovely read!
8/14/2016 c5
I just found this today, and I'm totally in love. 3 I love this kakashi. :) please, feel free to update anytime. I will totally look into what else you have been writing. :D thank you for this!

I just found this today, and I'm totally in love. 3 I love this kakashi. :) please, feel free to update anytime. I will totally look into what else you have been writing. :D thank you for this!