Just In
for Unmasked

8/1/2016 c5 3clio1111
Naruto - be a man and grow a set! You just need to confront your man and tell him that you want him! Hope 4 more soon.
7/27/2016 c5 2pandoravanity
'Kakashi, i want to take the next step in our marriage. In other words, i want you to kiss me'

Yes naruto, just blurt it out like that during dinner.
7/26/2016 c5 hzLe
I like this story but you should make your story longer.
7/21/2016 c5 sparrowhawk13
7/21/2016 c1 Guest
when kakashi say the one that have potential to make him fall in love for them are naruto i was like waahh
6/25/2016 c4 Dark Tenshi704
Please update.
I cant't wait.
This story is so great.
4/29/2016 c4 Leannegeorgiabirks18
Love it please update!
2/17/2016 c4 ytygr
Ohh that an evil evil place to end a chapter! Please update soon!
1/10/2016 c4 3Sanguine Sarcasm
I want you to update faster this is true. But, if you don't feel like doing this because of personal issues, toss this part out the window. If you are not writing or updating because you are to lazy to, excuse my language, I am sincerely telling you to get off your ass and aplease your loyal fan base! In a nice way. I don't want to berate you but, I am in love with this idea, and I want to see more of it.
12/15/2015 c4 8Tsunamu
Excellent work I hope you'll continue to work on this story and if you need a beta or just someone to bounce story ideas off of then you can ask me...I may not have written many stories but I do love writing and hope you'll continue to work on this adorable story~
12/10/2015 c4 11Sanity and Katlin
Don't worry, this isn't to gilt you or anything. Just want to let you know that this looks like a pretty good story so far and I'm looking forward to reading more -

11/30/2015 c4 Kakanarulover0318
Can you please update ,is a good story especially since they are !
11/24/2015 c4 scryoko
Oh my god, this is so SO gooooood! I love it so much! Definitely looking forward to the next chapter - can't wait! :)
11/17/2015 c4 209SeverusPotterSnape
Is it possible for you to update sooner?! There's not much fantastic stories of Naruto/Kakashi pairings out there. Especially one where they're married... :) :) :)

So please update and hopefully they do have sex soon ;) ;) ;)
11/17/2015 c4 5princess moon shadow
Love it!
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