Just In
for Pieces of You

11/18 c3 Just Sus
This story makes me sad, but I think Bella was right getting away from Edward until he got his crap together. Of course, she doesn't yet know that the kid bitchy Jane is carrying isn't Edward's! She needs this time for herself, even if it hurts...
3/24 c18 Patriciadiane
And so it started
3/24 c17 Patriciadiane
loved this chapter so much
3/24 c16 Patriciadiane
Such a sweet Edward
3/24 c15 Patriciadiane
Proud of Bella
3/23 c14 Patriciadiane
So Gov is going to pay
3/23 c13 Patriciadiane
Money and power are really causing some people to disregard the rights of others
Sarah is a treasure
3/23 c12 Patriciadiane
This Governor needs to go down - - - so two-faced and definitely manipulative
3/23 c11 Patriciadiane
Garrett is special and Bella is slick. The Gov will pay
3/23 c10 Patriciadiane
This story has made me uncomfortable with the cheating when married angle. Having said that these two characters are really human and have faults as we all do.
3/23 c9 Patriciadiane
Love Mrs. Cope and her bringing Edward into the fold
3/23 c8 Patriciadiane
A new beginning. Wonder what baggage will affect them
3/23 c7 Patriciadiane
great chapter and the last question was pure inspiration
3/22 c6 Patriciadiane
interesting conversations
3/22 c5 Patriciadiane
This Rose is awesome. Now Bella knows the truth.
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