Just In
for The Rigel Black Chronicles

5/27 c1 191Qoheleth
Dear Elelith:

Just thought I should mention: In the first sentence, it should be "the latest antics of the Weasley twins". Antiques, of course, are old things.

4/10/2023 c5 AsterPetrichor
I love this recursive fic so much. The way you portray Archie & Harry's codependance is artistic and exactly how I envision it. The way you switch between POV is seamless and allows some really interesting perspective in the characters. Thank you for writing this.
8/1/2022 c5 1Reina36
love this fic
6/14/2021 c5 woonsocket
This was amazing! Especially Aldon's pov, because he has soooo many of the pieces of information, but he keeps coming to the wrong conclusions.
2/23/2021 c5 astxrismx
holy FUCK— i loved this so, so much. jesus christ, i'm still shaking in excitement. thank you for writing this seriously
2/16/2021 c5 FigurativelyDying
Binge read this and Im obsessed with this version of the RBC. I hope you come back to this fic, it's amazing!
2/4/2021 c5 MargaritaS
great collection of stories, I love what you have come up with and would love to read more if you ever decide to continue. I would love to read more with Harry and Leo especially. I hope you muse strikes soon :)
10/31/2020 c5 SecondStar25
i love love love this so much
7/27/2020 c5 PrettyPinkCupcake
I really enjoyed this and - like many other reviewers - would love another chapter. You’ve done a marvellous job of depicting murkybluematters characters.
7/24/2020 c5 Saloniagarwal080
You are amazinggggg...
And please make a sequel to these
7/7/2020 c3 zk95379
Ahhh. Could you like write a sequel for any of these pieces. They're all freaking AMAZHANG. I love it so much. Too much actually. Its a bit unhealthy. Stay safe
6/10/2020 c5 zk95379
I ABSOLUTELY adored this. Will there be a part 2 ? I can't wait for the futile facade to be updated and finding these one-shots really made my day. Its like the story has been written by the same person. I love the writing style, the intrigue, the plot, everything about this series and the stories is amazing. Credit to both you and Violet for your amazing stories. I commend you both for having the patience to write half as much as you both have. Stay safe in this time and keep writing :)
6/9/2020 c2 GynBot
This is interesting but I can’t continue to read as I don’t know the story this originated from and am therefore confused.
Will head over to the original. I’m too intrigued by the main character sharing a name with my not quite 2 year old son. Lol funny enough naming him that was my vague nod to HP because of the Black tradition of celestial names.
6/9/2020 c1 GynBot
I have yet to even begin reading this and I’m saying it now, the only reason I clicked was because my son is named Rigel.
6/19/2019 c5 2Temaki-dono
Really nice. Harry and Archie do seem very good together here-you're making me wish Violet had brought Archie in for the tournament, despite the hell it would have done to the plot.

About the potion Harry used, I would say "show, don't tell", but this was already long enough ans the story flows fine like this.

I really enjoyed the riddles, as well, by the way!
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