Just In
for The Rigel Black Chronicles

7/1/2013 c1 Arrocha Semotis Vir
Very funny, though I am somewhat confused with your grammar. Double quotation marks (" ") are used to denote speech, which from looking at your most recent story, which you posted a day after this one, as well as skimming a past one, you should already know. Also there was one paragraph in particular which had a whole slew of errors. This would be the correct way of writing it.

"Ms. Patil I would suggest you shut up now." The Professor tried to interrupt the conversation but Parvati would not be denied. Too many failed attempts to connect with her beloved.

"This is ridiculous! We are meant to be together. You're my soul mate but we don't talk! And if we don't talk then that Awful-Witch", she said, nodding viciously at the other witch to make sure there was no confusion, "-will break us apart and how will we get married then!"

First off: Double quotation marks.
Secondly: When someone new begins talking, you need to skip a space to show us that.
Third: Misspelling, two instead of too in the first paragraph.
Fourth: Some titles like Ms. or Mr. should have a period at the end.
Finally: No matter how magical witches may be, I'm quite sure none have perfect the art of "nodding" words at each other yet. This one is a really common mistake that most authors aren't even aware of. It's a small error, and your meaning got across all the same even with it, but it may be something you'd want to work on in order to improve your writing.

All in all, this is a nice story, and I look forward to seeing what other one shots you come up with; for this series as well as Dreaming of Sunshine.
6/29/2013 c1 Artemis
That was brilliant. Not the exact same tone as murkybluematter but close enough and besides I think I really needed that. Awesome!
6/21/2013 c1 annevalerie
Haha! This is great. Please tell me this will actually happen in the original story . . . it's just too good.
6/21/2013 c1 Guest
6/21/2013 c1 Guest
From now on, she will check the food, too.
6/21/2013 c1 Guest
When is this taking place?
6/21/2013 c1 Guest
Poor Parvati...
6/21/2013 c1 Guest
Love it!
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