1/1/2014 c4 kamahashy
First, I'd like say that I absolutely enjoy your story.
Secondly, it's true that Jeff appears to be very possessive, I'm sure that I am not the only one. So why not keep that? jack is one of Jeff's friends and he might be Jeff's only friend, but Jeff also love sonye so to not break her heart or lose his best friend why not they decide to share if sonye gave the idea? Also I think that jack is a silent lonely type of guy so it would be kind off easy for him to fall in love with the very first FEMALE person who treated him well, don't you think so?
hope that helped a little.
First, I'd like say that I absolutely enjoy your story.
Secondly, it's true that Jeff appears to be very possessive, I'm sure that I am not the only one. So why not keep that? jack is one of Jeff's friends and he might be Jeff's only friend, but Jeff also love sonye so to not break her heart or lose his best friend why not they decide to share if sonye gave the idea? Also I think that jack is a silent lonely type of guy so it would be kind off easy for him to fall in love with the very first FEMALE person who treated him well, don't you think so?
hope that helped a little.
11/15/2013 c3 1KylaVsKylx
Ohhhi wanna see what happens next... And jw when is. Ej coming in...i have a kidney for him.
Ohhhi wanna see what happens next... And jw when is. Ej coming in...i have a kidney for him.
10/25/2013 c3 1XxlikeasirxX
je adore (i love) your story! its très marrant (very funny) in ways and triste (sad) in others. this is one of mon favori (my favorite) ones so far please continue to write more. i'd be toujours reconnaissant (forever grateful) to you!
,bonne chance mon ami (best of luck my friend)
je adore (i love) your story! its très marrant (very funny) in ways and triste (sad) in others. this is one of mon favori (my favorite) ones so far please continue to write more. i'd be toujours reconnaissant (forever grateful) to you!
,bonne chance mon ami (best of luck my friend)
8/19/2013 c3 Guest
This is awesome. Good work.
This is awesome. Good work.
8/12/2013 c2 2NinjaCacti
Ok, I'm not gonna be one to do the f/f/r thing. You got serious talent! I absolutely love this story and i hope you update soon :3
Ok, I'm not gonna be one to do the f/f/r thing. You got serious talent! I absolutely love this story and i hope you update soon :3