Just In
for Royal Sentiment

8/1/2013 c4 KelseySmiler
loved this chapter i hope you update soon
7/31/2013 c4 annashreder
oh no you didn't.
Can't believe you killed Klaus and before they even got to say they love each other...
"there was something off about how he was acting; as if he wasn't comfortable in his own body" i read this line over and over again, its giving me hope.
Love the story & waiting (impatiently) for an update.
And please bring Klaus back in a amazing unexpected great plot turn.
Don't go all George R. R. Martin on us readers ;)
7/26/2013 c4 3Diamond Desert
"He loved you, even after everything, he really did." Best line ever! I'm so intrigued as to how this will turn out! :) please update soon!
7/25/2013 c4 Guest
You killed him why did you kill him?
7/23/2013 c4 mycutehamlet
Oh my heart I thought this chapter would make it better but it just made it worse :'( Please make next chapter heal my heart or give me some hope for some happiness. I know you said to don't lose faith and that you'll take care of us but dang these past two chapters have been rough. I fear for the next chapter but I look forward to it.
7/23/2013 c4 sunshinegold
I need more asap! I need to know what you have planned! I'm still shocked that he died, but I trust you so I can't wait to see what you have coming up! Eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
7/23/2013 c3 sunshinegold
Wait, what?! Klaus died?! Okay need to go read the next chapter now, because what?!
7/23/2013 c4
when the last chapter ended I thought "no. it can't be. it's a trick." and then I read this chapter and OH NO YOU KILLED HIM?!
well, regardless of the fact that i feel like I've just been staked, great chapters! can't wait for the next one.
7/22/2013 c4 1DreamsBeatReality
WHY WHY WHY WHY did Klaus have to die i can't read a story about Caroline mourning him after she find out he really loved her please tell me thats not the end for him im crying now
7/22/2013 c4 chillwithJyl
"He loved you, even after everything, he really did." I CAN'T STOP CRYING NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
7/22/2013 c3 Lishous69
Wow only 4 chapters & Katerina finally killed Klaus...story was too short and unbelievable...Katerina is terrified of Klaus, yet she killed him in only 4 chapters...didn't like it at all...
7/22/2013 c4 justine
what could she discover by going to
orlanders corner ? i can't fucking
believe it adi betrayed caroline
this way ! caroline trusted her blindly
and then the witch stabbed her in the back !
update soon
really good story
7/22/2013 c3 justine
what the hell happened ?
tell me niklaus is not dead , i mean definitely
dead ?
and what about adi ? was she telling lies to caroline
in order to destroy the mikaelson's family or not ?
7/22/2013 c4 Mamouti
we are still in the dark about what will happen, I really can believe that Klaus is dead for good, he's such an important charater in this story!
But I do have faith so I will wait until your next update, but just please don't make us wait too long for it
7/22/2013 c4 shineyoureyes
omg :'$ SOBBING. this is too muuuch! I need Klaus back :'(
please, PLEASE update soon like this time! I don't think I can bare the wait /3
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