Just In
for I shall prove you wrong

7/19/2019 c18 Guest
Please write more soon
12/9/2017 c18 Seven
Omg this story is really great so I wanna support you because your my favorite story writer and ofc the story so bye. Have a nice day
9/18/2017 c1 1Mizz Myztery
pleass update
9/11/2017 c7 Guest
No fair sinri get fire,earth,sky and water dragon slaying
8/8/2017 c18 Mizz Myztery
please update
5/16/2017 c18 chloe
3/12/2017 c18 enya
oh please times infinity update
1/24/2017 c18 5MischievousMoony
I love it! Can't wait for the next chapter if there is one
12/8/2016 c18 Avril
Your story is really good! Keep up the good work!
7/24/2016 c18 Jay
hey. i really like your story but i noticed that this last chapter was published in 2014 and its 2016 so is there any chance you'll continue it?
7/23/2016 c18 Guest
Keep this going
7/2/2016 c5 silverSilesia
Um...for starters, there is no colour called 'midnight-blue'. I think what you are trying to say is navy blue. I know, it's frustrating. The word midnight is used in the term of colour 'midnight-black'. But other than that...this story was one of my favourite! Continue making the best story ever! (I know, I'm exaggerating, but this story really is the one of the GREATEST STORY I'VE READ!)
4/13/2016 c18 lun4-3601
*Monster hits katanas away and smashes you into a wall* *pouty face* "That wasn't very nice" XDD
3/12/2016 c18 Rio
What what what plz tell me that u r still writing !
2/3/2016 c18 2JustAnotherKawaiiOtaku
Update soon, ok?
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