Just In
for A Bounty Hunter after Her Heart

7/3/2013 c2 LOCISVU
What did Regina do anyway?I'm curious as to why Gold's after her.
7/2/2013 c2 7doktorwho
Oh this is fun. Both know the other and both want to resist but can't. This sounds good can't wait to read more.
6/28/2013 c2 Guest
aaaa please continue so good xD
6/28/2013 c2 MuffinRamsey
Great chapter.
6/20/2013 c1 Guest
Yes continue so good xD
6/20/2013 c1 1ExactChange
Oh yes! This is a blast! Please continue! xx
6/19/2013 c1 MuffinRamsey
Totally worth it please update.
6/19/2013 c1 3zerodarkwolf
6/19/2013 c1 4thewisdomtooth
Absolutely! Please do because I am intrigued! Really well characterized and written.
6/19/2013 c1 LOCISVU
Hell yes it's worth continuing!
6/19/2013 c1 6thecheesiestcheese
You've made me dislike Graham a little more from this chapter. haha I can't wait to see what Emma will have to do to find Regina. And once Emma finds her, hopefully she can speak this time around. Please update another chapter soon!
6/19/2013 c1 7Mircalla1698
Yeap, continue! Nice start.

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