Just In
for Teeth

3h c42 Mav
You have harry remove his clothes. You may have mentioned before, but isn’t an animagus meant to transform with their clothes?
3h c40 Mav
I don’t like that you killed metis, especially that you implied she was soulless. As a familiar of harry and a magical snake of that degree of strength and power, she should’ve survived the transport.
6h c27 qwertyuiop123214685
I want to know who cursed harry. Cause if he was hit in the back, it sounds like it was an auror.
9/8 c63 mkx
Congratulations on still being alive! I’m glad you’re doing better than you have been, and are taking care of yourself. Even if this wasn’t an update, it spurred me to re-read the fic, and I still love it. Overall I’m gonna call it a win ;V I hope life continues to go decent for you, and you rediscover your passions, even if that passion isn’t this fic. 3
8/26 c63 Silverdragonstar
Yeah! was happy to see you in my inbox. Sure thing, can not wait to start over again.
8/16 c6 Admiral Ackbar
I’m liking the story well enough, and I like that he included Slytherins in the defense group. However I’m not a fan of including Malfoy. The Slytherins that haven’t spent years insulting Harry, or calling one of your closer friends mudblood, are fine, but Malfoy is a disgusting little nazi wannabe.
8/16 c63 2jupimako
Hi! Thanks for the update. It's great to know you're doing better. I'm glad you're going to post on A03! I'll go follow there too. I hope you do continue this story. It's one on my constant re-read list.
8/15 c63 Guest
8/13 c63 Redan01
What will be the username on AO3?
8/12 c63 2blackbloodywolf
This just got me so excited! Can't wait for a re-read of this story~
8/11 c63 Amberflames
Even if you don't end up continuing this beyond the chapter and change you had already, I'm really glad you posted this chapter to let us know what's happening. I come back to this fic every year or so, I really love it. It's in my top 3 "god I really hope this updates one day but it's been years" fics. I selfishly hope you end up reigniting your inspiration and do finish it, but no hard feelings if you don't. Thank you for sharing your story publicly with us! It takes a lot of bravery to post a story on the internet for everyone to see, but I'm glad you did.
8/11 c63 bitz2270535
Self first it priority number one.

Have lived reading this fanfic

Hope to see more.
8/11 c63 2Morgana-Mikaelson
Do my eyes deceive me? oh my goooddddd, I was thinking of starting my 4th or 5th reread of the fic soon, and it's so good to see you're back! It's a really good plan honestly, and even if that passion for this fic doesn't come backy that's okay! My best friend and I always loved what you wrote and we learned to accept the cliffhanger years ago Happy that you're doing alright !
8/10 c63 Beg457
Wow. I'm not going to lie, seeing that notification brought me back in time. The last time I touched this site was in middle school (I moved to AO3 years ago) and now I'm almost finished with my bachelor's. This is genuinely something else.

Anyways, I'm absolutely ecstatic that you have decided to not only maybe write again, but even do proofread your older work. There is something almost soul crushing about going over old work for me, so it is incredibly admirable to see what your about to do in the coming weeks.

Anyway, I hope you have a fantastic day, and know that I genuinely don't have the words to describe the feelings this update invokes in me.
8/10 c63 pinky525
Glad ur in a better headspace and continue to find joy in writing what comes to mind.
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