Just In
for Moonlit Destruction

1/17/2015 c13 no longer on fanfic 1!
Poor Raf and Bee! *cries uncontrollably*
8/5/2013 c13 11TransformersPrime1234444
Nice! I loved the ending! Please update soon!
8/4/2013 c13 59Hedgi
the. FEEELS.
so many emotios inside me, most of them sad.
ugh. i need them all to be reunited and safe. not now, not next chapter, but eventually, otherwise I'll cry. cry more, anyway.
8/4/2013 c13 16Twackycat
My favorite chapter so far too.
8/4/2013 c13 94parkrstark
*clap. Clap. Clap* I love it! Poor Raf and bee. I hope they stop beating themselves up like this. *cries*

Wonderfully written and can't want for more! I am defiantly excited for the next update!
8/3/2013 c12 59Hedgi
oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh now both groups think the others are dead and nothing is ok and everything hurts.
I need to hug them.
Needles to say, I am LOVING this. the emotional- and physical- pain these characters are going through... I am a terrible person but it makes me happy?
I can't wait to see what comes next!
8/3/2013 c12 94parkrstark
The Decepticons are so cruel! Dx WHY!

I am excited for more! Like really excited! (As you probably already know XD)
8/1/2013 c11 21DragonScouter
Awesome story so far. Can't wait for more!
7/31/2013 c11 59Hedgi
Ugh. Not that I blame Bee or Raf, they held out so long. Such brave lads, bless them. But this is not good at all. and now that they have nothing useful to keep them alive... everyone's in mortal peril and everything hurts.
Bless this fic, I love it so much.
update when you can, long or short.
7/31/2013 c11 94parkrstark
Raf!Whump yay! I mean...poor Raf. My baby. Stay strong.

BEE Y U GIVE HIM COORDINATES. lol jk I do the same but I'm still really nervous to what will happen to the Autobots at base.

GAH! I'm so excited! I hope this wasn't the last daily update and maybe I still have tomorrow.

I can't wait to read what u have next though! Please update soon!
7/30/2013 c10 59Hedgi
ah my heart. I love this fic so much. poor Bee and Raf, and poor Team Prime for not knowing and having that guilt and oh gosh I hope this ends well.
7/30/2013 c10 94parkrstark
LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. I LOVED IT. Poor Raf and bee! I was so happy when I saw the update. It was later and I was worried the daily updates were over. (How many more days around do I have left for daily updates?) I'm sorry if I annoy you with my craziness and obsession over this story but I'm in love and there were more stories as good as this one. Its perfect. I'm so scared to see what knock out has planned for Raf to try to get him to break first. I thought that was gonna be in this chapter and was disappointed to not to find out but I loved this chapter just as much as I would. Can't wait for more!
7/29/2013 c9 59Hedgi
holy duck with a typewriter.
excellent. I can't wait to see what happens next. eep!
7/29/2013 c9 94parkrstark
My heart stopped when Raf's holoform was ripped in half. But I'm all better now that he actually didn't die, but Raf's being integrated next? Yay. I know. Raf I love you, but that's why I love Raf!Whump. I'm so excited for more! I am cherishing these daily updates and will become very sad when they're over but for now i will cherish them. Thank you for the amazing update!
7/28/2013 c8 parkrstark
I LOVE YOU FOR UPDATING DAILY! Are you gonna continue updating daily? It's amazing and I love it so much!
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