6/23/2014 c8 Neko
Is Mikuo going to purpose, because I the last sentence that's what it sounds like.
Is Mikuo going to purpose, because I the last sentence that's what it sounds like.
4/27/2014 c7 sapphireblueeyes
I've missed this story so much-
I wasn't able to read them because of things umu
But I'll have you know that my feels are exploding and he needs to nOTICE LUKI DAMNIT MIKUO
I've missed this story so much-
I wasn't able to read them because of things umu
But I'll have you know that my feels are exploding and he needs to nOTICE LUKI DAMNIT MIKUO
4/26/2014 c7 KagamineMayuLover
Yay! :D another chapter! And no problem c: i shall be waiting patiently for the next chapter. But i know that feel. I don't have time to update my Mikuo x Luki story either ;( tragedies. Well anyways. I enjoyed this chapter as always! . can't wait for the next update.
Yay! :D another chapter! And no problem c: i shall be waiting patiently for the next chapter. But i know that feel. I don't have time to update my Mikuo x Luki story either ;( tragedies. Well anyways. I enjoyed this chapter as always! . can't wait for the next update.
1/30/2014 c6 KagamineMayuLover
OMG KAIKO U BIOTCH! :O haha sorry. I just love love this story and this pairing :) keep up the great work. Know that I'll always read ur stories so don't stop writing! Till next time :D
OMG KAIKO U BIOTCH! :O haha sorry. I just love love this story and this pairing :) keep up the great work. Know that I'll always read ur stories so don't stop writing! Till next time :D
8/24/2013 c4 Guest
Please update! I love it (even if i just started reading it, but i love it) :3
Please update! I love it (even if i just started reading it, but i love it) :3
8/24/2013 c4 2Valkyrievampire888
Good luck with school! I'll be starting soon too. See you with the next chapter! :D
Good luck with school! I'll be starting soon too. See you with the next chapter! :D
8/22/2013 c4 094289758927562965
Ai, Luki, why didn't you tell him! *bites cloth* Haa, I almost want to kick him!
But anyway, I liked this chapter and when Luki said he was going to be there for him, but still! He should've told him...! Oh well. XP
I hope to see more soon! :D
Ai, Luki, why didn't you tell him! *bites cloth* Haa, I almost want to kick him!
But anyway, I liked this chapter and when Luki said he was going to be there for him, but still! He should've told him...! Oh well. XP
I hope to see more soon! :D
8/22/2013 c4 1sapphireblueeyes
Luki damnit tell him ;-;
*glares at Kaiko* o_e
Hope you update soon :heart:
Luki damnit tell him ;-;
*glares at Kaiko* o_e
Hope you update soon :heart:
8/3/2013 c3 sapphireblueeyes
I need moar D:
*eye twitches and refuses the urg to strangle Kaiko*
...I'm not angry. At all. :D
I need moar D:
*eye twitches and refuses the urg to strangle Kaiko*
...I'm not angry. At all. :D
7/23/2013 c3 2Valkyrievampire888
OOOOOOOO DRAMAAA! Kaiko did seem a little fishy... I'm doing good, how are you? u
OOOOOOOO DRAMAAA! Kaiko did seem a little fishy... I'm doing good, how are you? u
7/22/2013 c3 4Moonhawk88903
ASDFJKL; I LOVE THIS! I can't wait for more! I need to know what happens, ah!
ASDFJKL; I LOVE THIS! I can't wait for more! I need to know what happens, ah!