Just In
for Things Done In Sacrifice

12/26/2013 c7 Himeno Kazehito
Nice. Fanfic. Cant wait to see whats next.
12/25/2013 c7 9Digi-fanCatt
Merry Christmas! This was a funny chapter, XD I wish you good luck with your art book and hope that you update more!
12/25/2013 c7 10ultima-owner
have fun with the comicbook
12/16/2013 c6 9Digi-fanCatt
I under stand your update problems. May you get a laptop for Christmas.
12/16/2013 c6 10ultima-owner
if the candlemon don't like water why are they next to a river?
12/15/2013 c6 133Princess of Miracles
Aw, I almost forgot about this story for a while.
7/29/2013 c5 10ultima-owner
Neemon is so amusing
7/29/2013 c5 9Digi-fanCatt
Wow, awesome chap. I hope your mom lets you use the laptop more!
7/29/2013 c5 133Princess of Miracles
That was from Jaden Yuki's song parody Stronger right?
7/5/2013 c4 10ultima-owner
Raremon is one nasty mon
7/1/2013 c3 Gogglegirl
7/1/2013 c2 ChildofDarkness
Can't wait for an update! I hope Ronny's the Warrior of Water!
7/1/2013 c3 9Digi-fanCatt
Lol! Koji rules!
7/1/2013 c3 10ultima-owner
How much chocolate bars does he have? !
7/1/2013 c3 3Gladius52
great so far. Really enjoy this chapter.
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