Just In
for Frozen Hero

6/17/2015 c2 kabal
plese do spyro x cyder
4/11/2015 c3 2Ultimatedragon131
Intriguing story I'm interested in the outcome of it.
1/2/2015 c2 1InsaneEntity
Are you putting this on hiatus. Because I think this story needs more attention
8/8/2014 c1 Guest
The second if find a well thought out fiction like this one there is no progress on the story. :( why does this allwats happen.
7/30/2014 c2 Guest
r u gonna add another chapter?
4/11/2014 c4 3shadow016A
Could you update soon? It has been a while.
11/10/2013 c3 granty619
When will you be able to post the next chapter
10/5/2013 c2 11HatThiefShipper
Bummer hopefully more comes soon.
10/5/2013 c1 HatThiefShipper
Nice job so far. Keep up the good work. Hey after this story u should write a Morderet fanfic. I'd love that and I'd definitely favorite the story. I favorite any Morderet story really IDC what it's like.
9/10/2013 c1 5Enatomy
Ha-ha! I like it. I think you have something here. just keep working man.
9/2/2013 c2 Shard the dragon
I can't wait for the next chapter
8/18/2013 c1 Shard the dragon
Hey dude this does seem extremely interesting, I hope you update soon.
7/31/2013 c1 UNSC Inferno
7/24/2013 c1 Guest
Come on... Continue the story and update it!
7/18/2013 c1 3shadow016A
The summary was what caught my attention. Supersoldiers are things that spark my interest, so naturally this caught my attention. It seems good so far but what I would like to know how Brian got the augmentations. Other than that the story is good and interesting.
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