Just In
for Inappropriate Touching

6/28/2013 c1 Debbi84
I'm so happy to see this story back up again. Looking forward to rereading from the beginning.
6/28/2013 c23 1Frivolouslizy
I was actually very surprised to see this pop up in my inbox. I had long forgotten about this story but after reading the first line of the first chapter it all came back to me. Because of this I'm assuming that this is off hiatus? This last chapter was great. I'm glad Edward is obviously getting better, and that Bella is finally seeing someone about her issues as well. Overall this is a very cute story and I find myself gushing over Edward and his awkwardness as well as the fact that he's so direct. Overall these ad great characters you have. The only one that really annoys me is Alice. I just wish someone would shove a muffin down her throat to shut her up. But then again, violence is not e answer. She just needs to get to know her sist better and stop being a rude person. I hope to read more from this. -Purple
6/28/2013 c1 mscullens10159
I m very happy this story is back up. I love this Edward. Thanks! :)
6/28/2013 c1 1JulieToo
Oh! He's back! Can't wait to savor the rest of the story! Welcome back!
6/28/2013 c1 7rubyblue9696
*YES!* so glade to be reading these two most strange and wonderful edward and bella...i MUST start from the beginning...just because i know how awesome those chapters were the first time around...THANK YOU! love...

xxx jess

p.s. the first line alone...four feet from this, four feet from that...perfectly wonderfully spot on and extremely amusing...
6/28/2013 c23 Oldenuf2knobeta
Aaaaand...she's back.
It's been awhile.
Still a great story with a truly unique voice and greatly look forward to reading the rest.
I'm sorry to read on your blog of your disallusionment with the FFWorld...and , while I understand some of it, (as I'm sure there's a whole heap of bullshit that writers have to wade through,) I've always found it incredibly supportive with the exception of a few douche-canoes thrown in. Kind of a metaphor for life really...and women in general.
I think you are an exceptionally talented writer and hope you can accept the compliment as sincere and without feeling like its fan girling.
6/28/2013 c23 Mooah
Excited to see this story back up.
Aww poor Edward. I really feel for him stuck in that place. I know it's probably for the best but the fact he's not feeling anything scares me more than when he felt too much!
I still want to kill Alice or at least have her knocked off her high horse.
Bella is stronger than she believes. Good for her I say. Her with that glove always makes me wanna laugh.
Looking forward to the next chapters (:
6/28/2013 c1 Elli-Iris
Welcome Back! (Respectfully omits hand shake for comfort) I really liked this Awkwardward so it is good to see his return. :-) Thanks for writing! Ready to meet these characters again.
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