Just In
for The Environment Exchange Paradigm

10/13/2020 c1 KatDusk
Sheldon not being into sex doesn't sound weird to me! tho I am asexual after all xd
1/19/2020 c1 7jh831
Maybey you should have started off the story with the note about dw and tbbt being real.
5/27/2017 c23 niitewlf
If u stil out there. Sequel. Sequel. Sequel.
2/16/2016 c1 RoxieDoxie
You definitely have the voice of both shows down! Love it!
12/28/2015 c1 The MASTER
OK SO HERE'S THE DEAL, I love your pairings but please try to come up with maybe a more CREATIVE pairing sometime during the story ... Like maybe some PENNY/ DOCTOR huu? ;) it's not you it's just that I've been searching everywhere for one and can't find it! :(
8/5/2015 c3 6braden697
When will chapter 31 be ready?
12/31/2014 c8 Guest
Thank you for making my new years eve less lonely ;)
7/29/2014 c22 5Ronin Warriors Fanatic
I just giggled when I read the doctor doing a Sheldon
7/29/2014 c7 Ronin Warriors Fanatic
I'm very certain that no one would be able to understand the doctor without the tardis' built in translator. But I like this story.
7/26/2014 c30 DeathCrawler
finally got the time to finish the story and it was great
7/13/2014 c1 DeathCrawler
or you could just make a parallel universe where docter who is a tv show instead of real simple solution and you could have sheldon freak out since he is a fan
7/11/2014 c30 1BVBlover4ever
Dude, this was such a beautiful story! I love it so much, oh my goodness! It had such a good story line and was so well written! I'm sad that it had to end but that was such a good ending for it. Really, very well done, it was simply "Fantastic"! It also had a certain effect that made you want to go right on to the next chapter with a sort of "Alon-sy" attitude about it. And as soon as you started to read you would get sucked into the story and not mind leaving real life with total abandon yelling "Geronimo"! :D
6/24/2014 c30 Cookiemonsta2001
I love this story! Such a happy ending compared to the show! This is everything I love about fan fiction.
2/21/2014 c30 Guest
OMG! Love this story soooooooo much! Thanks xxxxxxxxx
2/13/2014 c30 Kristine Moss
That was wonderful! I love how you tied it all together! :D Thank you for writing it! Let me know when you start another story (I'd probably be most interested in Doctor who and Battlestar Galactica ones)

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