Just In
for Bloodshed

2/28/2017 c7 Guest
When are you going to continue this story.
3/6/2014 c7 Vicky
We need to work in your definition of fluff. This is angst with a tiny bit of fluff... what do you do with my feelings, woman?!
Thanks for saying I'm funny - I try my best :)
Please continue. And don't be like me and update faster!
3/5/2014 c7 TheSlavicShadow
You already know I love this chapter. But in case you forgot: You're an evil genius and the chapter is amazing. Oh and thanks for uploading:D
3/4/2014 c7 19wendykw
Wait, I had assumed that Jordan was Rick's daughter. Is she his sister, or his cousin, or ? The man on the phone doesn't speak in a way that Rick would. If Rick had known how to get to Bracken, he would hva already. So, we have another player in this drama.
10/29/2013 c3 22Kate Beckett's Golden Snitch
This is really good! I like it a lot!
10/25/2013 c6 Vicky
I hate you and your angst... /3 why do you do this to Kate, Rick and, most important, me?!
10/25/2013 c6 19wendykw
He better walk back in there. Rick would walk back in.
10/25/2013 c6 caribbeanamphibian
Get back in there Rick!
10/25/2013 c6 2castlefreak2121
That was painful
10/10/2013 c5 TheSlavicShadow
Oh god, as always, AMAZING. But you already know that. And still, you are evil. (You know why...-.- ) :D
And you're welcome..(:
10/9/2013 c5 11Minxheart
10/9/2013 c5 caribbeanamphibian
Wow I'm REALLY confused right now. Is Jordan Castle's daughter? Why is Bracken giving her money? This is all kind of wacky. Also, Castle gave Jordan an alibi, but do you really think Ryan and Espo would've bought it? I think they would've thought something was up with Castle and that girl.
10/9/2013 c5 Matthew G Given
I think this may be the best chapter yet and I really am interested in if this woman has a connection to Castle or not. I can't wait to see where this story goes next and what will happen when Castle's lie is found out.
10/9/2013 c2 Musicalmania
wow... you certainly have my attention. On to chapter 3 :)
9/18/2013 c4 Matthew G Given
Good chapter,please keep them coming. If this is Bracken I hope they finally take him down this time.
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