Just In
for Words For Him

6/23/2016 c1 Guest

* I jump up & down like an idiot!*

Ruhana/hanaru. *4 rever******
2/28/2003 c1 death
hi lana banana!

i finally found your stories!

well, to be honest the story was medyo weird kasi they just spilled out their guts to each other and medyo the song looks familiar a.

anyway the story was nice! pero the ending was kinda um. weird and funny kasi of what Hanamichi said. hehehe.

ur a liar iof you say u have no talents!
11/3/2002 c1 kristel
kawaii... yohei soo sweet nd caring...
9/2/2002 c1 4Rings Of Saturn
Wow! How cute and adorable! I really like this story!
9/1/2002 c1 7oriquey
^_^ *smiles* kawaii desu! *huggles imouto-chan* me love this ficcie k? great work ^^ V

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