Just In
for The sphere

8/25/2013 c2 6Pozhar
Awww! I LOOOOOVE the ending xD it was adorable*_* I love how Reyna was doubting what Jason would think about her, but then all she could see was joy on his face ASDFGHJKL my feels! I'm so glad you wrote this chapter:)
8/4/2013 c1 wolfgirl336699
I love it you should add another chapter! It was very sad and sweet all at the same time!
7/31/2013 c1 1Kuroos Kitty Kat
Wow! I loved it! Please make another chaper it's an awesome story though I hate that Jason is gonna die! maybe you could make a suprise ending where he comes in alive and runs stright to Reyna. All in all awesome story
7/26/2013 c1 Guest
please do another chapter!
7/3/2013 c1 Guest
That was beautiful. Im like dry sobbing with tears.
7/3/2013 c1 2SailorMoonAddict
This would've been great if it were just a one-shot. This was pretty good. I like it :)
7/2/2013 c1 8IamAnnabethdaughterofAthena
I really liked your story! It was sweet and sad, please add another chapter.
7/2/2013 c1 6Pozhar
Awww that was so cute and sad:( I think you should write another chapter where Reyna dies and goes to Elysium, but if you don't the story's fine the way it is...I just don't particularly like sad endings so...yeah GREAT JOB!
7/2/2013 c1 22eatingchocolate25
I thought it was really sweet. You should do more.
I do actually like the ship so do more.

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