Just In
for The Y Files

4/4/2022 c36 Matt
Too bad you’re not making a sequel, this was great! Maybe you could’ve done spin-offs showing what the different characters are doing in the new places they’re at, if you were still doing this.
4/25/2021 c35 YesMan01
If you spent so long on this I think that you should try and publish it. I don’t think that copyright would be much of a problem.
12/10/2019 c17 LitGothGF
Ok but if H. P. Fucking Lovecraft turns out to be Y or even just shows up, I'm totally gonna say I called it
12/10/2019 c16 Comet
5/3/2017 c35 Anon E. Miss
*instantly begins writing a fanmade sequel* This was incredible! I was expecting a little more interaction between Victor and Henry, but apart from that, this story was the best I've read in a while. Good job, and have a cookie!
4/24/2017 c35 i-didnt-lose-sammys-shoe
It took me forever to read all of this, but I'm glad I did! Dorian and Jekyll/Hyde are my favourite characters from this.
2/21/2017 c35 11InvisibleVamp14
This story was amazing from start to finish. If you ever made sequel I would definitely read it :)
2/8/2017 c34 9IngrediorUmbra
It's hard to believe that this gorgeous story finally came to a conclusion, but a lovely one at that. The way it ends makes me feel like there would be a sequel. Will there? :)
2/5/2017 c34 9Tacodestroyeravenger
Wow I love the tense friendship between everyone, especially Victor and Henry. Good ending, and left that little reference to a potential sequel:) well done!
1/16/2017 c33 Tacodestroyeravenger
Wow! What a ride!
1/16/2017 c33 11InvisibleVamp14
Holy cow! So much action in one chapter!
1/1/2017 c32 9Tacodestroyeravenger
! What does this mean?! Surely they will not just let him have William's body? Will they not fight for him? If he can change back to a human form from this possession, does that mean he can transform into a wolf at will? Ahhh so many questions! I'm on the edge of my seat! Love it!
1/1/2017 c31 11InvisibleVamp14
NOOOOO! Save William Vlad! I can't wait to see what happens next :)
12/30/2016 c31 9Tacodestroyeravenger
Oh no! Not William! A possessed werewolf is a scary thought!
Thank you for the lovely horror of last chapter and the imagery you have sculpted so well. As for this chapter, I loved the novel Dracula and also love the detail you put into this. It also has me curious as to the relationship of your Dracula and Jonathan Harker versus the novel's.
12/30/2016 c30 Tacodestroyeravenger
Awww Parmes helped Victor:)
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