Just In
for The Y Files

6/16/2016 c4 9Tacodestroyeravenger
Oh my gosh Vinny XD
6/10/2016 c24 i-didnt-lose-sammys-shoe
I really love to read this story and the newest chapter is awesome. I really like how you portray Jekyll and you've written Hyde's character out amazingly. The plot is extremely addicting for me and the title of this story fits the content. I'm late on reviewing this and I hope you post another chapter soon!
3/19/2016 c21 11InvisibleVamp14
Whoa! Beth is a robot & Edward got so scared to turn back into Henry? I was almost on the edge of my seat while reading this chapter! You've got yourself a follower!
P.S. I kinda thought Beth was Victor's wife, Elizabeth, who was killed by the creature, reanimated, but a robot is awesome!
3/4/2016 c21 Guest
Edward Hyde: The ultimate scapegoat! I can't wait to see-er read-what will inevitably be a highly palpable sense of awkward in the next chapter, or anger. It would be interesting to see the characters still be upset with the good Doctor. After all, Hyde is basically HIM. So, in a way, it was still his fault, memory retention or not.

Once again, great chapter! And good twists! I did not see that coming!
1/31/2016 c19 GamerWithAMonocle
Wow, I'm loving this story more and more with every update!
I just watched "Love Never Dies"; I see where Mr. Y came from now.
I wonder if any of these guys have taken the time to see if Vlad has some classic literature in his house anywhere. I mean, it appears everyone here is somewhat associated with Victorian horror stories; you'd think that someone would narrow down that Y must be another literary character and try to guess based on who isn't there.
1/17/2016 c17 GamerWithAMonocle
I began reading this a while back, and might I say that I love it!

I'm a fan of classical literature so this story was a real treat to find.
I actually just finished reading The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde a little while back, so seeing the character(s) with a more fleshed out personality is pretty sweet.

I will say that I am also a fan of the world of musicals too, so even though I have not read this "phantom's" book, I am really looking forward to seeing him soon.

I love reading your story and look forward to future chapters! :)
1/14/2016 c16 4AklFin2
I love how accurate this is to Jekyll and Hyde cannon. Most people miss that Hyde isn't another personality, he's just Jekyll but HJ7 let's him do what he wants without the guilt or consequences! That and the fact that it's engaging and well written is why it's in my "Favorites". Can't wait to see what's next
1/3/2016 c15 5Midnight the Black Fox
I will admit I'm both surprised and not surprised by revelations within this chapter.

Loving the story so far! I can't wait to see what happens next.

For some reason I feel like Hyde can actually be a nice guy, I mean I know he's Jekyll but I like to think he's the more fun version of Jekyll. It kind of sucks that Jekyll can't remember what happens when he's Hyde, if he could that would make this whole thing A LOT different.

Also wow Vinny! Neat trick!

Like I said I really can't wait to find out what happens next! Keep up the great work!
1/2/2016 c15 9IngrediorUmbra
Holy shit...
12/20/2015 c13 5Midnight the Black Fox
Great chapter!

Poor Vlad he really seemed like he wanted to torture their guest, a smart choice on said guest though. Since he can't die though I wonder if Vlad would drink his blood? Given that he's clearly in need of some.

I can't wait to read more, keep up the good work. :)
9/27/2015 c9 Midnight the Black Fox
I actually cheered for joy when I saw that this had been updated. I definitely loved this chapter poor Will being stuck alone with Vlad. I liked that in this universe it's possible for a werewolf to not transform, I'm guessing on the night of the full moon they have no choice in the matter but I could be wrong.

I now have the image of Will tackling a naked/invisible Vinny stuck in my head and it's most amusing thanks to this chapter.

I wonder if Will and Vinny would be like "sure we'll answer your questions as long as you answer ours" and at least that way we can learn more about each character, and maybe they's all stop being suspicious about each other.

Once again loving the story and can't wait for the next update :D
6/22/2015 c8 Midnight the Black Fox
Poor Victor he really doesn't want to mess with corpses again. I'm defiantly now leaning towards someone in the group being Y but I'm unsure who? Maybe Dracula? I don't know but I'm having fun trying to figure it out. :)

I love Vinny's comments to Will about Vlad. His ealier jokes about biology were also very funny.

Things are getting interesting :D I feel like Jekyll's hiding something or maybe it's Hyde trying to take over? Either way I'm really looking forward to the next chapter.
6/14/2015 c7 6aquagirl555
Ugg, who is Y? I am practically dying to know. Is it a character from another famous monster novel? Cannot wait for the next chapter and find out more.
5/31/2015 c7 5Midnight the Black Fox
I can't wait to find out where this is headed :D I kinda suspected that the mummy (if it is a mummy) was alive :). I'm totally with Vinny about when we see Hyde, I love how casual he's being, like yeah I'm locked in this place with a bunch of madmen but hey why not look on the bright side, I get to meet several (supposedly) classical fictional characters.
Though if I were in their situation I would probably be William, clearly terrified of the whole ordeal and disappointed about the false help summoning and simply wanting to leave as fast as possible. I also believe a small portion of me would be Vinny as well just like this is so cool I'm meeting Dracula! And staying in his house!

Yeah I really can't wait for the next update! :D
5/11/2015 c6 Midnight the Black Fox
I've found my new favourite story! :D

I REALLY enjoyed reading this I honestly couldn't stop laughing at everyone's antics, though to be honest I'd be acting the same.

I really hope you continue this. I'm dying to know who Y is, I do have some suspicions but I'd rather wait to find out. :D I hope Hyde makes an appearance at some point it would be interesting to see your views on him and how everyone reacts to him. :D

Awesome work, love the story and hope to see you update it :D
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