Just In
for Honks (Short One-Shot)

11/26/2014 c1 halibellover
I love the idea for this please start the story soon!
9/8/2013 c1 bladerunner89
Interesting but I find it odd that you have already given Tonks an aversion to her first name. I always thought that it developed during her mid to late hogwarts years as immature horny boys and spiteful girls harassed her looking take advantage of her abilities, slowly driving her to hate her name.
8/6/2013 c1 1Phoenixfire73
I can't wait for the full thing, There's a great need for Harry/Tonks stories.
My OTP is unused ;_:
7/20/2013 c1 12darthwizard
Not a bad short story for your soon to be real one. Hope you write it soon
7/12/2013 c1 Crazykiller2606
i hope you make a full Honks story but i really like if voldemort never existed it's more original then have him meet her in the order D
7/8/2013 c1 MasterDog
Make it a several one-shots during the school years...xD
7/4/2013 c1 guhgiog08e9rhiogoiheg98whgiogo
Can't wait to read the final version!

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