2/8/2017 c1 FlaminRadish
My computer is glitching so this may be sent twice. Love, love, love your story! Seriously, please write more cuz I've gotta know what happens next!
My computer is glitching so this may be sent twice. Love, love, love your story! Seriously, please write more cuz I've gotta know what happens next!
2/8/2017 c22 FlaminRadish
Oh my gosh I love your story! I really hope you continue it! Seriously, I have to know what happens next!
Oh my gosh I love your story! I really hope you continue it! Seriously, I have to know what happens next!
1/25/2017 c22
I really love this story! Thanks for the awesome chapters! Please update soon, if you can! And if you are doing pairings, could it be KakaRin?
Anyway, thanks for the super-awesome story!

I really love this story! Thanks for the awesome chapters! Please update soon, if you can! And if you are doing pairings, could it be KakaRin?
Anyway, thanks for the super-awesome story!
1/15/2017 c22 Jean
cuz ya gotta update dis, this what's up!
cuz ya gotta update dis, this what's up!
1/2/2017 c22 yonomori
That was so good to read! Although, I just to say that I think Kakashi is better than having a romantic pairing. Just with Obito with Rin. I don't know why but whenever Kakashi is alone with Anko and Rin,somehow I skip that part. I mean I'm not sadistic as to why I don't want to let Kakashi have a lovelife. It just feels so different and way better. But you are so cool in doing this fanfic, hope to see you continue it. It actually inspires me to make one fanfic myself too. I'm wondering when you will pop up Madara and I actually wanted to suggest you for it for a bit of drama in it as they view Kakashi's past life as Madara shows them. Well Thank You!
That was so good to read! Although, I just to say that I think Kakashi is better than having a romantic pairing. Just with Obito with Rin. I don't know why but whenever Kakashi is alone with Anko and Rin,somehow I skip that part. I mean I'm not sadistic as to why I don't want to let Kakashi have a lovelife. It just feels so different and way better. But you are so cool in doing this fanfic, hope to see you continue it. It actually inspires me to make one fanfic myself too. I'm wondering when you will pop up Madara and I actually wanted to suggest you for it for a bit of drama in it as they view Kakashi's past life as Madara shows them. Well Thank You!
12/18/2016 c22 FairytailMage88741
This story is so AMAZING! Please please please please please update soon!
This story is so AMAZING! Please please please please please update soon!
12/4/2016 c22 XxAkatsukiFanxX
Hey! :D found this when I was trying to find a fic where anyone from the past travels to the future. (Because there are way too many future to past fics but back on topic)
I really like how you portrayed the characters, none of them are truly "evil" rather it's a matter of opinions and clash of morals, which I really commend you for doing.
Most of the fics I read just grabs an antagonist from the series and gave them a standard bad guy behaviour (for example, taking over the world, monologuing, being over confident to the point of making stupid decision for the hero to take advantage of) that they completely disregard the things that made that character. Plus the part where you mention they spill the beans too fast XD
The rants I have about them and the list so many good antagonist that got ruined in the process, one example I would give is Orochimaru. Firstly, he only wanted to learn everything possible to learn, and is only consider "bad guy" because there's no limit to his experiments and the fact that he wants to take over the deuteragonist of the series. How the hell did that escalate to taking over the world?! I'm getting off topic here.
Straight to the point, that's what I love about how you write about these characters. I can't really put how much I enjoyed reading this into words, hopefully I'll find them soon. You don't know how glad I am to see this fic isn't abandon!
LOVE to see more chapter for this wonderful story.
Hey! :D found this when I was trying to find a fic where anyone from the past travels to the future. (Because there are way too many future to past fics but back on topic)
I really like how you portrayed the characters, none of them are truly "evil" rather it's a matter of opinions and clash of morals, which I really commend you for doing.
Most of the fics I read just grabs an antagonist from the series and gave them a standard bad guy behaviour (for example, taking over the world, monologuing, being over confident to the point of making stupid decision for the hero to take advantage of) that they completely disregard the things that made that character. Plus the part where you mention they spill the beans too fast XD
The rants I have about them and the list so many good antagonist that got ruined in the process, one example I would give is Orochimaru. Firstly, he only wanted to learn everything possible to learn, and is only consider "bad guy" because there's no limit to his experiments and the fact that he wants to take over the deuteragonist of the series. How the hell did that escalate to taking over the world?! I'm getting off topic here.
Straight to the point, that's what I love about how you write about these characters. I can't really put how much I enjoyed reading this into words, hopefully I'll find them soon. You don't know how glad I am to see this fic isn't abandon!
LOVE to see more chapter for this wonderful story.
11/27/2016 c22 Cookie
I't super !
I't super !
11/6/2016 c22
Love this story! :) Hope real life is treating you well and hope you update soon :)

Love this story! :) Hope real life is treating you well and hope you update soon :)
11/4/2016 c22 Izumikii
Omg this story is so good ! I love every element of it ! I love the relationship kakashi has with his teammates, and I find it so heartwarming when kakashi gets worried over by his precious people . I find the scenes of kakashi with pakkun really fun . And I also really like how this story hasn't gotten too dark and isn't unrealistic either . I've really enjoyed reading this and you explain every theory and fight scene so well . I can't wait for the next chapter ! I can't believe you don't have more favorites and follows .
Omg this story is so good ! I love every element of it ! I love the relationship kakashi has with his teammates, and I find it so heartwarming when kakashi gets worried over by his precious people . I find the scenes of kakashi with pakkun really fun . And I also really like how this story hasn't gotten too dark and isn't unrealistic either . I've really enjoyed reading this and you explain every theory and fight scene so well . I can't wait for the next chapter ! I can't believe you don't have more favorites and follows .
10/21/2016 c22 Happy
Love it!
Love it!
10/11/2016 c22 Aquarius Black
I love your story, I hope you update soon
I love your story, I hope you update soon
10/2/2016 c22 Guest
When are you going to update?
I love this story
When are you going to update?
I love this story