Just In
for Changing What is to Come

11/24/2023 c23 dudeler
A Rewrite would be a lot of work, but if you are up for it, the end product might be better.

whatever you decide to do, its cool that you came back to this story after all this time.
11/22/2023 c23 1OddlyIridescent
The story is interesting. I think you should finish it then start new ones. I've noticed most rewrites tend to remain unfinished. Looking forward to it!
11/21/2023 c1 Cyber-Kanochi
Rewrite please
11/21/2023 c23 oakleaf89
A rewrite would be nice
11/21/2023 c23 tml111
I would love option 2 and will follow the story of course.
Thank you for making the effort to co e back to give us the story we all waited for
11/20/2023 c23 Ms.Anbu-Chan
I like option 2! I hope you continue. Thank you!
11/20/2023 c23 Tehb'Ineh
I'm still following the story and would be down for either. Been a while since I read it so I'll need to do a reread at some point
11/20/2023 c23 1moodysavage
I'm ok with either
11/19/2023 c1 Day Dreamer in the Dreaming
I'll vote for a rewrite, but it's up to you. If you do rewrite the story please keep this version up and post the revised one as a new story.
11/19/2023 c1 1Musix.My.Everything1998
I love that you are gonna continue the story. I feel it would be best to revise it and the key themes. Don't have to rewrite the entire thing just find the spots where they are supposed to go and add them. It may take a bit of time but hey it's worth it to perfect the story and a read through it good to try and find way it'll flow in
11/19/2023 c23 AmayaUchiha01
Yay I'm so excited for the continuantion of this wonderful story
11/19/2023 c23 2Blin12
Happy to see you back
11/19/2023 c23 LN Tora
a rushed ending might feel a little unsatisfying, but I'd say go with whichever option is easier.
11/19/2023 c23 Mep101
2 please
11/19/2023 c23 Rakaan
I don't think it matters what "new details" came to light; it's fanfiction and you can just shrug it off as AU. It can't be more nonsensical than some of the crap Kishimoto made up flying by the seat of his pants anyways. If you wanna rewrite it to include some canon details go ahead, but I honestly think it'd be a waste of time.
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