Just In
for Changing What is to Come

11/19/2023 c23 1davignonr
I'm still following along with this story. if you choose to rewrite. would you consider rewriting in a new story post or just changing this one?
11/19/2023 c23 D.S.Cross
I like the story
But you can decided what you like to do
I dont mind
11/19/2023 c23 Midoriryu
Personally, my preference would be for you to do whichever option makes you the happiest in the long run. One technique I use to decide between two options is to imagine not doing each one. Whichever one leaves you less happy not to do is the one you should pick. It helps get past thinking on the positives when you're stuck.
11/19/2023 c23 2LightSpecter141
I vote for option 2.
11/19/2023 c23 reydrago
1 please, let the reboot one is s new fic instead of rewrite
9/19/2023 c22 Guest
I've read this story so many times, it's one of my favorites! Do you still plan on completing the story after all this time? Hopefully it's a yes!
3/18/2023 c9 2Blin12
Never change Gai never change.
10/15/2022 c22 Maya Phantomhive
when is the update you promised to deliver writer-san? T-T
I really, really love this fic! it's going to favorites and I'll be following this story, just in case you decide to update after all these years.
10/11/2022 c1 Blin12
I wish this was continued
9/6/2022 c16 Heyo
This story is amazing!
7/29/2022 c12 Blin12
Gai is as energetic and supportive as ever
6/27/2022 c3 Guest
Minato's summons are toads, not frogs.
3/31/2022 c11 Aedwards179
how do such high class secrets get leaked so easily on konoha. its amazing they can keep anything secret
3/31/2022 c3 Aedwards179
kakashi in shorts is just weird. unnatural even.
2/24/2022 c22 Nancy2239
Please update soon
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