Just In
for Changing What is to Come

7/16/2013 c2 2Yungsun
Great so far
7/15/2013 c2 12KakashiKrazed
I applaud your decision to use theory in this chapter - and I found both, the way Kakashi explained them, and the others' reactions to his explanations, quite enlightening and entertaining. Seeing what the others reactions were to Kakashi's actions was enjoyable too...although, if I might make a suggestion, be careful about switching the Point of View so often in your chapter...or at least try not to switch POV back and forth quite so much in the course of a handful of sentences.
Don't get me wrong - I love getting the various view points within the's just that sometimes I had to reread lines a few times until I could figure out which person the thoughts or observations belonged to.
I am truly looking forward to seeing how such a subtle change in the dynamics of the team will ripple out into the future...heck - the idea of Kakashi with greater chakra reserves and stamina, whether he gains a sharingan or not, puts a smile of anticipation on my face!
Looking forward to more...
7/15/2013 c2 16Rika24
I really enjoyed this chapter and the theory makes sense. I also like kakashi's handicap being brought up. I always thought that kakashi had to work hard even though he is a genius (that's the one thing that annoyed me about Gai, he always made it sound like kakashi didnt have to work hard for anything because he is a genius)

I mean, all we know about kakashi as a a child was as a teen that used a tanto more than anything. We only saw him use one ninjutsu, chidori. I always suspected he didnt have much chakra back then was the reason for the tanto (aside from his father of course)
7/15/2013 c2 fluffpenguin
NIce story, hope you keep writing!
I wonder if Obito notices the fact that Kakashi actually spent time explaining theory to them...
7/15/2013 c2 Prescripto13
"I know there was a lot of theory in this and I hope I explained it well. I also hope that you liked it!"

Yes on all counts, Juman. I found Kakashi's grasp of chakra theory and the seal mechanics fascinating. I remember how he was able to describe chakra natures and element manipulation to Naruto during the boy's rasenshuriken training. It's strong evidence that yes, the Hatake has a knack for the the theoretical aspects of the ninja arts much like he does with the practical. I agree that he has a lot of potential. :-)
7/15/2013 c2 LokiandLillith
Great chapter! Please update soon.
7/14/2013 c1 Schattenspieler
So I really like the beginning. But I think sometimes it goes too fast at the end of the chapter. So just so Minato appears and grows less time to cook for themselves, and with Kakashi to eat without coming to Rin and Obito again? Is it already so Spaed that the two could go home. So that Minato is gone in his free time with him?
Now I'm totally chipped as you go on.
I hope soon to be able to read that from you. I love time travel where Kakashi is small and may differ hold back.
That will be great! :D
7/7/2013 c1 TheRealPandaa
I can't wait for a new chapter!
7/6/2013 c1 Prescripto13
Sounds promising, Juman! I look forward to what you have planned.
7/6/2013 c1 Rika24
Cant wait to see how it goes with him seeing Obito and Rin. And nice idea for Kakashi to try teaching Rin to use senbon eventually, but i kinda dont like the idea of him teaching Lightning Blade to Obito.

As for weapons, Kakashi has his tanto again since it hasnt been broken yet, right?
7/6/2013 c1 narutosuck
ohh yeah kakashi is getting fucked up the ass by obito
7/6/2013 c1 luna plateada14
me gusta tu fic
7/6/2013 c1 Fan-Deca-girl
This is totally Awesome! Great story so far, I love it please keep going with this!
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