Just In
for Of Dark Pasts & Angel Kisses

7/27/2013 c4 Guest
"Just testing your ability to resist me." He explained when he pulled away.

"I failed, didn't I?"

Pirate-smile. "Miserably."

I love it
7/20/2013 c4 5vampiregal42
All 4 of these one shots are fantastic. I could totally see them fitting into the books. Keep writing! I enjoy reading these :-) A post Finale one that takes place right after the final battle would be a good read :-)
7/16/2013 c4 Hush hush fan
Can u make a scene with only scott and Nora with Scott's POV since I love them together! :) plz and thank u
7/15/2013 c4 Dallas
OMG 2 more scenes I'd LOVE to see is at the end of Finale when Patch first feels Nora, and also in Finale when Nora confesses to Patch about using devilcraft, like what Patch is thinking that whole time! PLEASE! Upload soon!
7/15/2013 c4 2tobiasprior
I loved this chapter! You are such a good writer and I can't wait for your next update
7/15/2013 c4 Guest
Another brilliant chapter! Scenes i suggest you should do is when Patch and Nora go dancing properly at the Devils handbag or something in the Finale book. Or when Nora is stabbed, you could describe Patch's POV. Hope these suggestions help! Keep it up :)
7/14/2013 c4 Dallas
Oh this was so cute! I wish Patch could beleive in happy endings, but I guess with his past I understand why he can't. I could defiantly picture Nora and Patch having a conversation like that in the Hush Hush books. Please upload soon as you are just an amazing writer. Keep it up!
7/13/2013 c3 Guest
Pretty please dont leave is hanging! Your story is brilliant btw! Written in such superb Fitzpatrick style. And the characters style in fact! You should do more romancy scenes between Patch and Nora because that would make the story absolutely fantastic! Happy writing! Xx
7/12/2013 c3 DallasBreanne
Yay ok i got my account back. I seriously lover your story! I'm with the person under me please don't leave us hanging! That makes me so mad when a fan fiction just stops. I'm the one who suggested you show what happen when Nora passed out in the mechanical room in Crescendo. Ive always wanted to read that! Also maybe on of Patch in Hell but that would be sad. :( Also maybe one about in Silence when he sees Nora again in the 7 eleven. I know I'm throwing a lot of ideas at you so I'm sorry I am just hooked on this book and everything about it! I CANT WAIT FOR THE MOVIE NEXT YEAR!
7/12/2013 c3 1astoldbygingerr
First off: amazing writer. Love the style, girl. Pretty please don't leave us hanging.
7/12/2013 c2 Alexandria
Your story is amazing! I love anything in Patch's pov and defiantly if the writer gets him dead on like you do. Please upload another chapter (4th cause I already know you ha e a 3rd out) soon
7/12/2013 c3 Dallas
OMG please continue with these! They're amazing! Please make one of what Patch did to Rixon after Rixon shot Nora in Crescendo! PLEASE! I love your little stories! Upload soon! Oh yeah and that's exactly how I pictured Patch to act in that scene.
7/12/2013 c2 TheBritWhoDoesn'tDrinkTea
Okay, wow, I love these one shots! Even more so because they're in Patch's POV. These are so awesome and so are you, in fact i'm going to name my first born child after you :)
7/12/2013 c2 HybridThor
Great chapter , update soon !
7/11/2013 c2 dallas
OH I LOVE THIS! You are a very good amazing writer! you are getting Patch perfectly! PLEASE UPDATE REALLY REALLY SOON!
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