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for A Four Letter Difference

2/21/2015 c49 7BlackCatNeko999
Those all were really great. They made me smile a lot. Good job!
11/18/2014 c49 sparkling apples
That was a lovely read. xD I enjoyed it!
11/18/2014 c49 3C.A.M.E.O.1 and Only
Awww...That's sweet...And romantic...But Nagisa's SOOOOO dead now...Rin'll be after him with a gun...
9/1/2014 c15 2ParadiseForest
OH GOD THE PAIN this made me cry bad omd
8/2/2014 c48 SapphireNova24
Oh god, Gou someone needs to teach you how to cook and bake. And happy birthday, Nagisa!
8/1/2014 c48 sparkling apples
haha, adorable chapter for the equally cute pair. xD
8/1/2014 c48 3C.A.M.E.O.1 and Only
Oh Gou, and you made such a delicious lunch for Nagisa too...HOW DID YOU MESS ICING UP!?
7/24/2014 c47 SapphireNova24
These always make me AWWWW in the end. I loved this chapter. XD I can't wait for more.
7/24/2014 c47 sparkling apples
This is so fluffy! 8D Enjoyed this!
7/23/2014 c47 C.A.M.E.O.1 and Only
Awww...Nagisa may be a monster to Rei and Makoto, but he seems like a darling to Gou!
6/10/2014 c46 C.A.M.E.O.1 and Only
Ah...The "big life regret" story...Yeesh...
6/10/2014 c46 sparkling apples
holy, such a tragic read! ( a lovely chapter, nonetheless!
5/18/2014 c45 FeastofDreams
Wow this -chan suffix really can get a bit annoying after a while, I can sympathize with Haru now- although Nagisa can get away with using it on me as far as I'm concerned ;D. that, and I really have no rights for complaining after being thanked so many times o/o

Anyway, it's sad to hear it's ending, but thanks anyway- it's been a blast! And should you ever have any more NagiGou inspirations then you know which way to send them ;D

Thanks for writing!
5/16/2014 c45 sparkling apples
haha, that was fun to read as well!

all the best for your upcoming examinations!
5/6/2014 c44 C.A.M.E.O.1 and Only
*Sigh* Always unable to keep anything serious, aren't you, Nagisa?
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