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9/5 c328 86Jlargent
I could see Vlad calling out Jack and Maddie's poor parenting skills and points out how badly they are if they're ignoring how bad his school is in the fact that bullying is rampant.
9/5 c328 1Babybear94
Awesome can’t wait to read more
9/5 c328 revetwrot
I would like to think that maybe, just maybe, raising someone as abused as Holly will change Vlad a little bit. And part of me wants to see how he will react if Holly ever calls him Dad.
9/5 c328 coolstone
ok loving this new story
9/5 c328 APridefulSin
awwwww! not a danny phantom fan, infact only seen one or two parts a while back, but this was adorable
9/5 c328 grayrogue
okay interesting I haven't seen many fics that trying to show Vlad in a good light
9/5 c328 TwinstarDragon
Won’t lie, I didn’t expect this but this is pretty good! Hopefully Holly will help shift his obsession over Maddy into something else and make him be not as mad at jack. Maybe he would actually listen to them and learn what they actually felt during his accident then assume jack did it on purpose.
9/5 c328 12Esmereilda
im liking this not evil masters
9/5 c328 HolyKnight5
Vlad, tempered... It would be deliciously ironic that Daniel saw this Vlad as a better guide than his parents, as rather than the mad Vlad of Canon, This Vlad would be a lot more tempered and understanding.
9/5 c328 FriendlyFire59

Thanks for posting.
9/5 c328 samanthadtaylor9
Wanna see danny and vlad team up on the ghost king Pria becuse he made her cry
9/5 c328 lady sakura cosmos
Good story
9/5 c328 13Have a Little Feith
D'aww. That ending was adorable. Must protecc the baby-halfa smile! Hope Vlad goes feral on whoever makes her cry at least once in this story's lifetime. If it makes it to a full story, that is, which I do hope it does. Even if this might be wish fulfillment in a sense, it's still enjoyable to read.
9/5 c328 tonyalexander13
More of this story Please!
9/5 c328 11Mukuro234
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