Just In
for Bonds Between Samurais

8/29/2013 c1 20James Birdsong
Cool story
8/11/2013 c1 Luna Goddess of the Night
Alright, just a tiny bit from my end.

""I-I don't believe it! Shinjiro...he kissed me...I never thought he be able to do it..." Gemini thought."

I didn't know if you were going for a flashback here, but you didn't need the quotations for thoughts, or leaving the Gemini part in italics as well. This was a bit confusing here.

Well done, though. This wasn't a half bad one-shot. And it ended with a kiss. Too cute.

-Luna, The Council
8/6/2013 c1 riaser
Note: Fandom Blind

Hmm. I guess this was okay. I certainly liked the gist of it, and the fact you made it short, because the moment was short. I think the part that really deterred me was the fact that you told us what was happening instead of showing us, as well as the fact you're not very descriptive with some of your sentences that need the description to help the story. For example:
[ A beautiful day in New York. Two people appear to be lying on the grass below. ] The first sentence is fine, but the second, you could have shown us more and incorporated the looks of the characters instead of breaking it up.

[ Remember what Uncle said, "There are times where you have one chance and that alone. Do it now if you think you can. If you miss your chance, chances of it happening again" ]
This part I especially liked. It was sweet, and lead up to the kiss.

This couple seems very cute, and this example of fluff was very nice
7/28/2013 c1 James Birdsong
Cool. Short. Beautiful. Awesome.
7/17/2013 c1 570MovieVillain
Their relationship is just like Serah and Snow from Final Fantasy XIII.
7/17/2013 c1 Lord Destroyer
Hmm...short, sweet, nice, and cute. Of course we know that Larry brings them together out of sheer frustration when they are having trouble holding hands. I think kissing would've been even more of an awkward moment for them.

I guess Shinjiro asking Gemini to forgive him is because he knows he might botch it up.

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