Just In
for Beyond Birthday X Reader: Wish

10/24/2015 c2 Emcorn
OMFG continue plz!
4/22/2015 c2 Emerillion
-dies quietly of nosebleed-
4/22/2015 c1 Emerillion
-flails and dies- ERMAGURD HES RELL!
12/16/2013 c2 gupyyyy
seguilaaaaaa la ameeeee lo traduje en traductor google
12/15/2013 c1 ukn
Hey, u stole this from deviantART!
11/29/2013 c2 Random potato
You stole this form deviantart
10/13/2013 c2 icouldn'tthinkofanythingbetter
I really like this story and I hope you update!
9/21/2013 c2 Ceils Little Sebastian
make more! make more! your doing well
9/14/2013 c2 Guest
O.O very good! There must be more stories like this!
9/5/2013 c1 2ScreamoFangirl
Oh god yes! I love BB.
8/30/2013 c2 Guest
I fucking love it ... OpO u must continue this I mean this is like totally me with Beyond 3
8/15/2013 c2 2Southparkfreak101
You should update soon!
8/6/2013 c2 6Sweetstar25
This. Is. So. Freaking. Awesome!
7/25/2013 c2 32charlietheepic7
BB, I have to wonder why you're so ok with this. and why the hell haven't I been questioning him relentlessly by now? a hot serial killer lands in the middle of my room and i'm just ok with it!?
7/23/2013 c2 Cloud
I like it please update soon :)
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