9/21/2019 c1 Chloe Baker
It was amazing and I loved it please make more!
It was amazing and I loved it please make more!
4/2/2019 c1 Ryan
I’m sorry, but, if you ask me, chocolate is ALWAYS better than a relationship.
I’ve never been in one, but...
I’m sorry, but, if you ask me, chocolate is ALWAYS better than a relationship.
I’ve never been in one, but...
4/28/2015 c1 Emerillion
'Mello what's better than chocolate?' looks at Mello, 'Nothing.' 'WHAT ABOUT ME!?'
'Mello what's better than chocolate?' looks at Mello, 'Nothing.' 'WHAT ABOUT ME!?'
6/14/2014 c1 DEG
I laughed so hard because he gave it up easily AFTER 10 MINUTES THATS EASY OKAY
I laughed so hard because he gave it up easily AFTER 10 MINUTES THATS EASY OKAY
8/23/2013 c1 Guest
Well, I'm not saying it's awful but there's lots of room for improvement. The story moved way too fast and Mello was wayy out of character. The start was great but maybe if you made it a short multiple chartered story instead of rushing into it, then it would've been better.
Keep working, you'll get there :)
Well, I'm not saying it's awful but there's lots of room for improvement. The story moved way too fast and Mello was wayy out of character. The start was great but maybe if you made it a short multiple chartered story instead of rushing into it, then it would've been better.
Keep working, you'll get there :)
8/6/2013 c1
*fangirl squeal* so cute! So romantic! Wierd thing is i actually have an ex-boyfriend named Blake... he didnt cheat on me though.

*fangirl squeal* so cute! So romantic! Wierd thing is i actually have an ex-boyfriend named Blake... he didnt cheat on me though.
7/24/2013 c1 poisoned sweetness
Entries not allowed:
1. Non-stories: lists, bloopers, polls, previews, challenges, author notes, and etc.
2. One or two liners.
3. MST: comments inserted in between the flow of a copied story.
4. Stories with non-historical and non-fictional characters: actors, musicians, and etc.
5. Any form of interactive entry: choose your adventure, second person/you based, Q&As, and etc.
6. Chat/script format and keyboard dialogue based entries.
Your story is in violation of section five of the guidelines. For your story to comply with the guidelines of this site, you would need to turn the Reader based insert into an original character. Please make the appropriate adjustments or remove this from the archive before it gets reported.
# poisoned sweetness
Entries not allowed:
1. Non-stories: lists, bloopers, polls, previews, challenges, author notes, and etc.
2. One or two liners.
3. MST: comments inserted in between the flow of a copied story.
4. Stories with non-historical and non-fictional characters: actors, musicians, and etc.
5. Any form of interactive entry: choose your adventure, second person/you based, Q&As, and etc.
6. Chat/script format and keyboard dialogue based entries.
Your story is in violation of section five of the guidelines. For your story to comply with the guidelines of this site, you would need to turn the Reader based insert into an original character. Please make the appropriate adjustments or remove this from the archive before it gets reported.
# poisoned sweetness
7/23/2013 c1
Omg I love your stories they are so sweet!
Especially the one you made if BB I loved that too.
Did you do a L,Near,or Matt one yet if so that will make me happy!:)

Omg I love your stories they are so sweet!
Especially the one you made if BB I loved that too.
Did you do a L,Near,or Matt one yet if so that will make me happy!:)
7/21/2013 c1
you should do an after-part thingy when mello is about to die, I can be all badass and save him

you should do an after-part thingy when mello is about to die, I can be all badass and save him