Just In
for Dangan Ronpa SYOC closed

12/21/2013 c3 14ariesapocalypse
11/2/2013 c2 chiemicchi
I got really excited when I saw that you put my OC in! I'm loving this!
9/15/2013 c3 Makoto Naegis closed account
Yoooooo you made Lauren the narrator. Good job! Hopefully you'll update more frequently from now on. Also, good job with Landon!
9/15/2013 c3 x54321
Woohoo for updates after four weeks or so!

Can't wait to see what all happens, even though I know for the most part.
9/15/2013 c3 Lieutenant-Jensen
Nice chapter! You wrote Milla well, I loved the chapter! And she's certainly one to talk about mini-heart attacks, considering she has one every time something bad happens in one of her Let's Plays. Or when something good happens in them. Or when anything happens in them. XD
8/19/2013 c2 5Inka-Chan
ASDFJKL OMG! I love the way you write Iori! He seems to be just like I thought! I literally squaked when he was introduced Hiroki too was nicely done, he might be hard to write. Also I think I love Tetsuya he seems like my kind of a man ;D
8/19/2013 c2 Makoto Naegis closed account
Lovely chapter! I'm so excited to see this story be continued, I'm really excited for this, and I really like the characters so far! I'm excited to see my two characters next chapter! :D
8/19/2013 c2 5Crimson Spider Lily
Weeeee! It's Megumi! :D You got her perfectly!
He! My OC isn't shy or quiet! XD Even if the others seems like it.
They seem pretty interesting, especially Mister SHSL Slaughterer.
Great chappy! :3 Update soon!
8/18/2013 c2 Lieutenant-Jensen
This looks great so far! Seems that we both have a Sasha. And good, I was starting to panic upon seeing all the Japanese names. XD
8/18/2013 c2 x54321
Awh, you're welcome. It isn't horrible at all! I think it was really good. Your mom voiced Monobear well, huh? Nice!
8/18/2013 c2 8Haru Closed Count
Love how you portray Tetsuya. It sounds almost exactly as I planned him to be. Can't wait for more!
7/24/2013 c1 Lieutenant-Jensen
Hi! I'm liking the intro so far, I'll look forward to seeing all the despair (and hope)!
7/23/2013 c1 Extra17Student
If you only accept, characters from PM, then other views like me that didn't log in to Fanfiction can't give you our character.

*sign* and I use a lot if time to think up my character for this story. In the end, you would mostly wouldn't accept. I think about it before I post my character.
7/23/2013 c1 Makoto Naegis closed account
Wow, the form for this is exactly like ptroxsora's one... I was actually going to do this, but I guess since there's so many now, I'll upload it onto AO3... whatever!
I think I'll hold off on submitting one and give others a chance, but until then, I'll root for it! :)
7/22/2013 c1 x54321
This is exciting, but it's at risk of being deleted because there's not really any content. Still, I can't wait!

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