Just In
for Twist of Fate

5/9/2020 c1 2UnityorUnkit
this man has dedication.
4/29/2020 c70 28EternalKing
I’ll be honest, the writing style doesn’t look like it’s improved all that much through this time. It’s a good power fantasy fic in the sense that Touma gets some credit where credits due early on, but it’s also a bit messy from trying to include such an influx of characters from the start too
4/28/2020 c20 LordZucc
Why did you just spam powerups for everybody on the fly with no build up? You mentioned that important stuff with Mugino offscreen but you’re fine with some random (and perhaps the most jarring and cringeworthy) subplot of Sogitta being Misaki and Touma’s son? The tone was all over the place. I couldn’t tell if this chapter was supposed to be intense and dramatic (which it wasn’t, because the shoehorned comedy and the needless music references ruined that) or funny (which would be very inconsistent with the last few chapters). This was supposed to be the climax and resolution of this story arc (which judging from all of the violent crap that happened during this was supposed to be dark and gritty) and it’s mind boggling how this chapter, being as important as it is, is the very one where you jump the shark (even for this story’s standards) and screw everything up.
4/25/2020 c70 GunsAndMagic
Hey! I love this new chapter! It does feel a bit like the fandom isn't as involved, but I am always ecstatic to get an update email from you and other authors in the fandom. So thank you! I'm excited to see what you write next!
4/24/2020 c70 21Naito Writer
Took me some time to get to this chapter after coming across this story, the whole thing is excellent. And every time that dragon emerges it makes me grin because it's that epic, especially it's use in this chapter.
4/24/2020 c70 emmanuel145ramirez
Excellent chapter and I hope you keep writing this fanfic
4/24/2020 c70 Fortitude501
Like i said before, as long as you can manage to update your stories then its fine.

On the plus side we get this one getting an update much sooner. I thought we had to wait months before another chapter.

One question: can Seria be the next girl getting some quality time with Touma in the next chapter?

Some of the other girls like Misaki, Himegami, Fukiyose, Cendrillion and so on; have gotten their chance to shine. Oriana being the latest in this story arc. So when will Seria get her chance?
4/24/2020 c70 calderoneric758
So what's next I can sort of see the president kidnapping touma for a visit at Vegas and hamazura being kidnap as well for the trip and invites strippers with the girls following and them running away
4/24/2020 c70 33Imperial-samaB
Nice chapter dude. Well done
4/24/2020 c70 4whwsms
Well that little excursion to Mexico seemed to at least get resolved with minimal tragedy; it just leaves the elder Kamijous with a perception (illusion) of what relationships Touma might currently be involved in.

I won't say anything more about the issues regarding the apparent or seeming delays with updates to this story, except to accept your position on the matter as you've stated it. And that's good enough for me.
4/14/2020 c20 FanFictionman43
What do I think? is happening lol. A bit confused, but it's enjoyable enough
3/28/2020 c69 emmanuel145ramirez
I hope you continue writing since I like your fanfic.
I have some doubts how much chapter is missing to finish this fanfic
3/24/2020 c69 GunsAndMagic
Lol, poor Touma. Great chapter!
3/23/2020 c24 WesternMassHomeHealthSvcsInc
2/26/2020 c40 JustSkimmingMilkHere
That is indeed a lot of references
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