Just In
for The World of Loveless

8/19/2014 c49 23Yoitemichealis
Ahhh rebelious cat boy teenagers XD AND YOUR COMMENT AT THE END MADE MY DAY OMG
8/16/2014 c48 promocat
poor ristuka!his mom drove him to her state
6/24/2014 c47 promocat
poor ristuka!suffering is really all he knows now
6/20/2014 c46 promocat
sorry about your sister-at that age they don't want to listen to anyone!
both ristuka & soubi have overcome their pasts & are getting ready for the next s\tage of their lives together
5/26/2014 c1 lumi
I liked last chapter and agree with previous comment that we need more! :D
5/26/2014 c45 AnimeFreak71777
This made me cry! Thank you for updating! :)
5/26/2014 c45 123
Hey :D I've been a silent reader for quite some time now but I've finally decided to leava a comment for once, mainly because I think 'Sometimes we just forget' is pure perfection *_* Honestly, I absolutely adore this idea! Soubi in a suit is a plus as well , haha xD

I was really sad to see it end so soon, a multi-chaptered fic based on this idea would have been awesome (maybe a future project? xD) or at least a sequel (maybe including Seimei's reaction to all of this, some angst and finally a happy ending for Ritsuka and Soubi xD) but I can understand if you want to leave it like this.

Either way I think this was such a great AU and executed perfectly :D

Continue with the good work!
5/25/2014 c45 promocat
poor dears! I could just kick both seimei & soubi sometimes!
5/25/2014 c45 Yoitemichealis
Awwww. That was really, really sweet. I'm glad that in the end, they found each other again. Even if they aren't together in a romantic way, these two need each other. (Don't tell anyone but I actually started crying while reading this.)
5/14/2014 c44 promocat
loved this!that mother of his!finally ristuka has had enough
5/14/2014 c44 Yoitemichealis
Good for Ritsuka, finally standing up for himself. And Soubi's so sweet. Wonderful :)
5/14/2014 c44 AnimeFreak71777
Thanks for the update! :)
5/11/2014 c43 promocat
& ristuka's reply is what soubi needs
5/11/2014 c42 promocat
yes i did-so true
5/11/2014 c43 Yoitemichealis
Awww that was really sweet :)
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