Just In
for The World of Loveless

8/16/2013 c12 promocat
thank goodness!
8/16/2013 c11 promocat
you poor dear! i hop[e they are working out for you!
8/12/2013 c10 promocat
that relationship is soooo wrong!
8/10/2013 c9 promocat
poor ristuka-he missing soubi so much!
8/9/2013 c8 promocat
poor ristuka-his mother is driving him almost as insane as she is
8/8/2013 c7 promocat
they need this sweetness-soubi esp.!
8/7/2013 c6 promocat
poor ristuka & soubi-seimei has so much to answer for!
8/7/2013 c5 promocat
poor soubi!his life has been so bad-he doesn't know how to react to good things
8/4/2013 c4 promocat
sneaky how i thought it would be "m"rated!good twist
8/3/2013 c3 82Sycocat2
Oop I didn't mean to post the last fic/chap and this one so close together
8/2/2013 c3 promocat
poor soubi is so lost without a master & a love
8/2/2013 c3 23Yoitemichealis
Omg so sweet... These too are so tragically cute...
7/30/2013 c2 promocat
ristuka is sooo good-almost the angel soubi thinks he is
7/30/2013 c1 promocat
yes soubi was told to love ristuka but not to fall in love with ristuks
7/29/2013 c1 145Dlbn
Aw Soubi's so sweet :3

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