Just In
for Invisible Stains

10/4/2014 c14 promocat
Ii am very sorry to hear this
8/6/2014 c13 Guest
I don't get this fic: is about Rhea or is about Ciel?! If it is about Rhea, you really need to edit your fic and/or change classification. I mean, two chapters only about a secondary character is a waste of time.
8/6/2014 c13 promocat
I wondered how she would leave
6/3/2014 c12 MySoulIsTainted
I like the story,but it could do a little less Rhea and more Sebastian. He js barely mentioned.
5/12/2014 c12 Artificial Glory
I love it so much! Keep writing, I'm enjoying this immensely.
3/16/2014 c12 Guest
I want to know the relationship between ciel and sebby
3/15/2014 c12 QueenApex
Please please next chap it's awesome !
3/14/2014 c12 promocat
i just knew this was a school for assassians!
3/14/2014 c12 Mephistopheles7
OMG, so let me guess, does Rhea beat the previous mastery time in not only one weapon but most of them?
3/11/2014 c11 1AnetteRuby
What if Rhea si inexperienced as well...she could start dating Snake...
3/11/2014 c11 1taimukipa
im really torn, i've been following your story for a while now, happy to have stumbled across it despite my personal preference against having oc's heavily mixed into a story, and i've also never been fond of the super young genius type character that you've got rei as, but i just cant say that i dont like your story. i like the au situation everyones in and i dont even mind rei that much, she's a cute character. i agree, give her some soft relationship with another oc, anything too much would probably end up more of a hassle. i'll be waiting for your next update :)
3/10/2014 c11 promocat
angela haa a school for kid assassiens(sp)
3/7/2014 c10 Guest
Okay, a few grammatical errors, but i really like this story so far. a soft love interest would be nice, not hardcore romance. OC partner. i can't wait for the next chapter ;)
2/22/2014 c10 promocat
even worst than ciel's & that's saying alot
2/16/2014 c9 Mephistopheles7
OMG please continue this story its amazing.
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