Just In
for Shoton of Konoha

10/31/2019 c32 Bosma19
This is such a great story I love how you have written all the characters and that you have made naruto smarter in a realistic way I also cannot wait to see the way you are going to take this story
8/20/2019 c32 3Just4fun23000
Oh man, I broke down laughing as I read this chapter! This was one of the best joke's that I've ever read!

I remember that only a few chapters ago, I think it was chapter 27, you've stated that you wish to 'build-upon' the Naruto world.

And now five chapters later we have Super-Girl! I bet in another ten or so chapters you will have Gilgamesh and Artoria duke it out with their noble phantasms.

Great World Building, I have to admit! The Naruto world is suddenly so very deep and oh so complex that I can hardly keep up!
8/13/2019 c32 Dragonman110
Will you please update some time soon I really want to read what happens next
6/20/2019 c32 Mina
Super interesting!
Is good here that you improved NaruSaku relationship, and i want SakuHina and Naruhina too, can you pair Sasuke either with Ino or Tenten?or Anko ?
Please update soon ! I want SakuNaruHina , we need more of this OT3, there aren't many...
6/13/2019 c17 nielnica12
Hmm this is where i stopped, im not into kushina being alive. Shouldve leave the dead well dead.
6/6/2019 c1 Guest
The person below should piss off. The author decided to write it as a harem.. just because you don’t appreciate it doesn’t mean that the author would (past tense due to the abandonment of the story) bend their story to your will.. just thought I should mention that. I love when people comment about how the story should be this this and this.. yet they aren’t the ones writing it.. and yes I know that people can constructively critize, however if they really don’t like something them maybe they should create a flawless storyline that has commenters commenting on how “perfect” the story is.. lmao
5/28/2019 c32 Ricky
Story seems abandon but I think the story is good most people wouldn’t like it since it does stray away from canon which isn’t a bad thing but people just can’t give it a chance. One problem I do have is the pairings not because it’s with a certain character but I would recommended you leave it a one girl instead of two. In the brackets it’s shows you plan to have naruto end up with both Sakura and hinata which personally I’m not a fan of harems they take away any significant bonds between characters. You should either stick with Sakura or hinata, personally based of your story so far I would write Naruto to be with hinata since I think the relationship would go off better for the story. And it would be a surprise for Kushina since she expects Naruto to end up with a girl like her which she’s sees similarities in sakura. Just my opinion tho this is your story if you ever end up continue it
5/5/2019 c27 7Ryusui Asakura
Are you going to continue this fanfic eventually I really wanted it to continue...
3/6/2019 c32 1sitrukpc
Still hoping for new chapter.
2/14/2019 c1 Rebmul
put this story on follow cause it seemed interesting wont actually read it till its updated
11/25/2018 c1 Dude
This isn't a tribute, this is someone leeching off someone elses work cos they think they could do "better"
11/6/2018 c22 FelineCube
Alright, up until this point I was wavering on the edge of quitting, but this is a bit much, on the whole cliche front. Like, really? Too many OCs and OP creations suddenly. Still, if you’re looking for FanFiction to pass time, good read.
9/22/2018 c21 Guest
9/11/2018 c6 12MacMan3679
If Naruto created the tanto, how can had grab their hands?
9/6/2018 c16 7Arrexu
omg! I thought I found the original shoton of konoha... but to think that this is still called shoton of konoha is beyond me.
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