Just In
for Shoton of Konoha

7/31/2013 c1 1davycrockett100
7/31/2013 c1 nanai
Love the story can't wait to read chapter 2 :)
7/31/2013 c1 marmend
This seems like it will be a good story. Keep at it, update soon.
7/31/2013 c1 kidloco
aww but i ove it how the otehr did wiht him work i wait you do teh same and very good too

good luck, cant read it completeryl because need back to work but like i said to him shoton to naruto is one the best idea i had hear in a fanfic :D

narusaku only pleaseee or narusaku ino! haku can be wiht otehr nija and otehrs girl well they can get they own girl
7/31/2013 c1 22edboy4926
Awesome intro
Looking forward to more
7/31/2013 c1 Jose19
I am so glad that the story was adopted because it was my favorite story from StormyRebel, and I love the storyline, and the actual bloodline of Shoton because it was shown in the Anime, and it is very powerful but it has great versatility because it has offensive and defensive uses that benefit the user, and it quite a rare bloodline as well because Orochimaru only gets interested in powerful and rare bloodlines, and it was powerful enough to destroy a village during the the Third Shinobi War.
7/31/2013 c1 10ultima-owner
When is he gonna meet Guren?
7/31/2013 c1 xGeaRx
Not bad. I remember reading a story like this, but it was discontinued. I'm glad you're writing something like it!

That being said, I think you're doing pretty well. The current relationships between the characters is just fine. I didn't spot any glaring grammar/spelling issues, but I wasn't really focusing on that too much, so you'll have to revise it yourself. My only real problem were the transitions. You did a lot of, "Three Days Later," or "The Next Morning." That's fine once or twice, but eventually it just ruins the story's flow and becomes lazy. Although I'm sure you can fix that up in later chapters.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to chapter 2!
7/31/2013 c1 8The Keeper of Worlds
Glad to see this brought back:)
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