8/3/2013 c1
134The Mocking J
You write the most amazing/beautiful/tragic Jelina stuff ever ;_; I think your oneshots are what made me adore this pairing so much. This is wonderful... but just promise me your next Jelina story won't be so sad?
*Endless sobbing.*

You write the most amazing/beautiful/tragic Jelina stuff ever ;_; I think your oneshots are what made me adore this pairing so much. This is wonderful... but just promise me your next Jelina story won't be so sad?
*Endless sobbing.*
8/2/2013 c1
This was so emotional and felt so very personal to Janice that I almost want to cry reading through it. As far as I', concerned this is legit canon now and nothing will convince me otherwise. ;A;

This was so emotional and felt so very personal to Janice that I almost want to cry reading through it. As far as I', concerned this is legit canon now and nothing will convince me otherwise. ;A;