Just In
for Freakin'

1/13/2015 c1 Roise and Jezz
*sobs inconsolably*
That feel when Wally.
Freakin' producers.
Gotta love the DS internet
12/23/2014 c1 25kikigraysonwest
wow...that was heart breaking. poor dick
6/28/2014 c1 1Silver Huntress Raleen
He isn't dead, just stuck in the speed-force. He was supposed to come out a year later, but they canceled the show and comic.
11/17/2013 c1 12Animals9990
You made me cry all over again! I miss Wally *Sobs* I had just come to terms with his death and now I can't stop crying all over again. Thanks. Thanks alot. Also no one's reviewing my stories. What do I do? Animals :D
8/7/2013 c1 leaffeather2
I would love to see Batman grinning, prancing around in a ballerina costume, throwing flower petals and confetti in the air.
8/4/2013 c1 5Invader Abigail
B-b-but Wally isn't dead...h-h-he's in the speed force or something ;-;
8/4/2013 c1 12Princess Unikitty
great story, though the title makes me think of sammyclassicsonicfan

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