Just In
for Brothers or lovers?

4/16/2014 c11 5thesandbar
Damn, Los. I'm kind of proud of him for calling Chris "Dad" though. It seemed to make them happy ahah.

Oh fuck, what happened with James...

Alone in a house together for the weekend? Yea, this can't be good.

Well, the ice seems to be breaking a little.

Aw. There's more to James than one would expect. And although I agree with Carlos, I still think it's kinda sweet that James wants to be close to his brother.

Dammit, James! Ugh. He'll come around, I guess.

GAHH! I don't even know what just happened. Honestly, I'm a bit of a James as well. I don't believe in love. But either way, I'm with Carlos on this, simply because it is a fictional story. I truly think James needs to open himself up. God knows I do.
4/14/2014 c11 annabellex2
Well, James meeds to get his head out of his ass! Maybe somehow Carlos can get him to see the light.
4/13/2014 c11 Guest
OMG! They have to be together! I love it333
4/11/2014 c10 7WhySoSerious94
Yay i was so happy to see that this was updated! This is one of my favorite stories i have never loved and absolutely hated James so much in like one chapter
4/10/2014 c10 annabellex2
I don't care if James thinks he has to be all 'macho' or whatever at school, he shouldn't treat Carlos this way! He better wise up soon. Glad Carlos & Kendall have each other for suport! :)
4/9/2014 c9 annabellex2
Poor Carlos! :(
4/9/2014 c9 Jules
Once again your writing has impressed me!
This is one of my favorite stories :D
4/8/2014 c8 8the-creme-de-la-crop
OMG I'M VERY GLAD, YOU UPDATED! And I loved this chapter (': uggh, I really need more, I love this, so much, I wish you could update more often.
4/8/2014 c8 Jules
I love this so much!(:
10/27/2013 c7 5thesandbar
Oh Carlos...
10/26/2013 c7 xixxdide
Awwww don't worry, its hopefully gonna get less awkward
9/21/2013 c6 8the-creme-de-la-crop
Aww omg, I'm loving this, a very interesting concept, and I love how James is with Carlos, and Carlos' little crush on James is so cute and also Kenlos friendship is the best I love Kendall. These 6 chapters were amazing and I can't wait for more :D
xoxo - Sandy c:
9/3/2013 c6 5thesandbar
9/3/2013 c6 xixxdide
Awwww I love Carlos and Kendall's relationship!
8/21/2013 c5 thesandbar
I think that outburst at the end was necessary. Carlos got it off his chest, and maybe now James will understand.
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