Just In
for Intense Consequences

4/6/2016 c2 6KandaxYokoxGrell
9/3/2013 c5 2BlueWingedAngelReAnne
Six trillion thumbs up...well, if I HAD that many thumbs, that's how many you'd get! Can't wait for the next chapter! _
9/3/2013 c5 5YuYuHakushoObsesser
Meanie Yomi! Naughty naughty naughty!
9/2/2013 c5 3BlueFire Jin14
me: B you really did screw up this time!*snickers*
Akira: B stay strong! and great chapter Tyler! :)
9/2/2013 c4 33Shadow Fox 2013
Awwww! *wipes my tears* You're so sweet! :D Love the torture method ;)
9/1/2013 c4 5YuYuHakushoObsesser
lol XD That was awesome and Hilarious XD Glad to help! _
9/1/2013 c4 3BlueFire Jin14
thanks you B , Tyler! *hugs you two* i am happy to help anytime! and i will wait for next chapter so don't worry!
btw YYH won my poll and i have posted my first FanFiction story at last!
8/17/2013 c3 2BlueWingedAngelReAnne
*laugh* Oh, dear gods...poor B! XD
8/16/2013 c3 50Just 2 Dream of You
Who is this OC? And I don't much care for yaoi but it seems okay to me :)
8/15/2013 c3 5YuYuHakushoObsesser
*blushes* Thanks for the shout out *blushes some more*

Teehee, is it sad that that is exactly how I pictured it when we were throwing ideas back and forth? lol

Loved it! _ Next one should be very interesting!...Not like I know what you have in mind or anything lol XD
8/15/2013 c3 3BlueFire Jin14
great chapter! i kind of feel sorry for Yoko Kuronue...NOT! they deserve what will happen to them after what they do and i won't hold B back :)
8/11/2013 c2 4AnimeloveGNB
haha i like where your writing is going. I am having trouble with figuring out whose talking and doing what so i have to read some parts twice but i think its just me. :) yay cliffhanger! keep it up :D
8/10/2013 c2 5YuYuHakushoObsesser
I'll take a kiss from Kuronue! XD lol I is intrigued for the library :)
8/7/2013 c1 3BlueFire Jin14
great! now i will just wait for the next chapter! keep up the great work :)

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