Just In
for Order in the Classroom!

5/8/2016 c1 48Downton'sLibrarian
*struggling to breathe from hysterical laughter*
5/31/2014 c1 31TrisanaChandler13
Lovely! I was laughing the entire time! You really captured what each person would do in each situation. :D
9/12/2013 c1 95Eternally Seventeen
Bahahhhaa. This was amazing, for some strange reason I read this in McGonagall's (and later Dumbledore's) voice and couldn't stop laughing :P I also love the Marauderer's deeply and you did them justice!
'harsh life sting.' - this would have been better if it was 'life's harsh sting' (without 'the')
Well done, this is very unique!
9/8/2013 c1 Lissy Stage
Helllooooo :D

Now, I just wanted to let you know... In your summary, you committed a boo-boo.

Marauder is being used as a plural, and not as a possessive plural/noun. Remember, it would be written as "Marauders".

[Yes, Mr. Pettigrew a fair and worthy attempt.] You need a comma after Pettigrew.

[And let our pranksters do what the do best.] You need to change the "the" to "they".

Nicely written. I can never rhyme correctly :P It always comes out sounding odd, and then I find that I just /cannot/ rhyme when it's convenient. Grrr.

The Marauders seem like /such/ a nuisance, and I feel for Professor McGonagall. Urrrggghhhh. :D
8/28/2013 c1 26starlightandseaglass
That was AMAZING. I loved how you did each stanza as a seperate Marauder. Telling the story through poetry was a brilliant idea. And rhyming like that makes it all the better.
You did a great job characterizing the Marauders and McGonagall's reactions are exactly what I would imagine them to be. And the part with Dumbledore at the end was great.
Thanks a lot for writing this for me! I really enjoyed it.
8/15/2013 c1 156ClaireBear1982
Hey love, very cute I love this, especially the last line, that made me giggle!
8/14/2013 c1 116lydiamartins
Haha, I don't think that I can stop laughing after reading this. It was just so well spot on for Minerva's characterizations and your depictions of her, even through this poem verse which is incredibly hard to do were fantastic like usual, :) You should definitely write more pieces like this, and I think that the ending was my favorite part. It's been a long time since I've read humor especially in poetry, and the divisions and formatting made this even better because of the stanza separations. Overall, I absolutely loved this!
8/14/2013 c1 Toby
The ending was superb, funny and wrapped it all up. Also, the ending feels better quality-wise than the beginning of the poem. Contained a moral lessons like many poems (or is it children's rhymes?) do.

If you could capture the same quality in the beginning as in the end, your next poem will improve significantly.
8/14/2013 c1 CornflakesAtMidnight
It's brilliant. I haven't come across many poem fanfics and this is the first marauder one. I really enjoyed it.
8/14/2013 c1 49Forever Siriusly Sirius
This was absolutely brilliant, I laughed the whole time. I love how you divided it up, each stanza a different marauder. I love how you divided them with a formatted word and i adore McGonagalls reaction to them all. I love how you included dumbleydorey at the end being all kids will be kids hahah
thank you *heart* this really made my evening.

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