Just In
for The Lost Child

7/9/2023 c112 Guest
ive just binged this all in a weekend and I absolutely love it. i feel like ive been going thru the years that these characters have lol. also hannah getting to be a teenager and crushing on her friend?
2/18/2023 c113 Guest
I have read this story from the first chapter. This chapter was up before. It is sooo long between chapters that I forget about the story until months or years later another chapter shows up and I read it then wait and wait again. I will read it until the end.
10/14/2022 c23 4Immas13
Reading this story again in honor of “Hannah’s Birthday” tomorrow I just love this story the more times I read it. I wish you wrote more!
10/7/2022 c113 Guest
Keep going! It's worth it!
10/4/2022 c37 9kassidygean
Good lord that child is a little hellion...
9/1/2022 c113 Guest
Omg little baby gay Hannah i love her
8/28/2022 c113 Guest
I am begging you to finish this, I’ve loved this story for years and need to know how it ends
8/24/2022 c113 Guest
It feels like you just teased your readers with this story. You started it back up again after years of waiting but now you stopped writing it again. Please continue and finish it.
8/19/2022 c113 Guest
Just finally caught up to the last chapter. It was so nice to see it back. I use to read it whenever a new chapter came up then it disappeared. Please continue with it.
8/15/2022 c104 Guest
I am glad you brought the story back and are going to finish it. I started from the beginning again to enjoy it fully. Please keep going with it and don't stop again until it is finished.
8/4/2022 c113 Guest
Please keep this story going, I’m beyond invested!
7/28/2022 c113 Guest
Please update soon
7/27/2022 c113 Joselin
Please update soon plis
7/27/2022 c113 PFL2112
Please update sooon!
7/24/2022 c113 Guest
Please update soon plisssssss
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