Just In
for The Lost Child

9/20/2014 c89 4VampWolf Girl 4Ever
dafuck? what why? im getting sick of thiss shit, how did joe know about the money, has he been stalking olivia and hanna? how much longer is this case going to go on for? id like to see joe rot in prision sometime soon
9/20/2014 c90 7Kilea08
Well I love this story for one, also great chapter glad they were able to put holes into Joe's story. Can't wait for the next chapter.
9/20/2014 c90 spacekitten2700
dang! can liv get a break
9/20/2014 c90 Guest
Great story.
9/20/2014 c90 sunshinesforever
Please continue!
9/20/2014 c90 Guest
Now I feel guilty because I was getting impatient for another chapter and you were at a funeral! So sorry!

I LOVE this story. Yeah, there are parts that are a stretch, but the same is true of svu and most fiction. I'm a literature geek, and I think it's good! Ignore the haters.

I'll admit, it WOULD be nice at some point to see Hannah getting back to being a "normal" teenager rather than a murder suspect. You seem to be heading that way anyway, so good. Keep going. Please, keep going!
9/20/2014 c90 JoCupcake
I knew it lol I'm sooo glad things are looking up
9/20/2014 c90 Guest
Love it! Keep up the good work.
9/18/2014 c1 Tkc81
Your killing me omg I can only imagine how you're gonna have this part of the story end it so good but what about the dog ya left he him of this chapter ... Lol ha ha can't wait for the next chapter :)
9/16/2014 c89 Sataistarzoya
I can't wait this is so good
9/16/2014 c89 04murano10
More please! I hope not! They are the good guys
9/16/2014 c89 Guest
9/16/2014 c89 Guest
I like! A little complex, but I like. But you DO realize, don't you, that you can't leave us waiting too long to find out what happens next? After Olivia and our favorite teen are arrested... Need the next chapter!
9/16/2014 c89 sunshinesforever
Nooo a cliff hanger! Please continue! !
9/15/2014 c89 spacekitten2700
please more
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